(Minghui.org) The original Minghui.org report linked to at the bottom of this page features 23 cards and greetings. A selection of them is presented here.
Falun Dafa Practitioners in the following areas of Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China Respectfully Wish Esteemed Master a Happy Chinese New Year:
Wuchang District, the Shuiguohu area, Huang District, Caidian, Huangbei District, Jianghan District, Qiaokou and Xinzhou District.
Practitioners working in the Wuhan audit system sent greetings to Great, Compassionate Master with their utmost respect. They wrote in their greeting message: “All of us Dafa disciples carry out our work in the audit system with a sense of righteousness. We are not afraid to step on toes and conduct investigations into cases of corruption. We see the extent of society's degradation today as well as the imminent collapse of the Chinese Communist regime. If not for the teachings by Master, we would be without any moral support. We have Dafa in our hearts and this guides us in saving people we encounter in the course of our work. At the final stage of Fa rectification, we resolve to be even more diligent in doing the three things well, be even more focused and study the Fa with a calm mind. We will make greater efforts at saving sentient beings and not let Master down!
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Category: Greetings