(Minghui.org) I have recently come across videos of Shen Yun Performing Arts while surfing the Internet. I was completely blown away. Its powerful momentum, its majestic ambiance, and its superb dance performances swept me off my feet.
It reminded me of Falun Gong, a unique, world-renown meditation practice born out of the land of China. I have heard about many of its accomplishments, facts about the persecution, and stories of the Falun Gong practitioners who have been tortured to death because of their uncompromising faith.
I would like to make two comments as an outsider. I am ashamed that I have not stayed current and that I have a dull conscience, yet I would like to express my opinions about Falun Gong:
Mr. Li Hongzhi has developed a cultivation practice based on Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. It has a magical power that enables its practitioners to become physically healthy. His practice is so amazing that in today's morally degenerated society, one cannot help but be devoted to it and help in actively spreading it. However you look at it, Falun Gong is an inspiration to mankind, a path to the future, and a contribution to history.
Today's China is overwhelmed with corruption, deviant trends, and immoral behavior, and its nature is being compromised. China's clean air is compromised. China's national administration has been compromised and replaced with a totalitarian regime. In contrast, Falun Gong practitioners refuse to compromise their faith. They continue to follow Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, all the while stubbornly persevering in their faith while fighting to uphold justice for their practice one after another. Is there any hope in this battle between good and evil? Is there not any hope in the killing fields? Is it not worth a great amount of pride when one attempts to transcend the Three Realms and the Five Elements? Is it not precisely because of such spirit and courage that people around the world have paid attention and devoted themselves to Falun Gong? Falun Gong is like towering waves and giant peaks in the realm of spiritual belief. Falun Gong has not only guided and helped the Chinese people but also saved the world from crisis. It has saved heaven and earth.
As Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance continues to spread, I hope to see no more victims of shooting sprees on school grounds and campuses in any nation. As Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance continues to spread, I hope that such horrible acts as abductions and murders will cease to exist. As Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance continues to spread, I hope that we will all be able to obtain the energy to protect ourselves. Falun Gong practitioners have made incredible contributions and sacrifices in China and around the world in standing up against the evil political system in order to preserve justice, democracy, and freedom. The sacrifices they have made are second to none. Their actions are magnificent and glorious.
On the eve of this Chinese New Year, I would like to offer Falun Gong practitioners my heartfelt blessings as a Chinese national residing in Finland. My highest accolades to you all for the contributions you have made while realizing your ideals. I hope your intentions will blossom in the hearts of all the world's people. Eventually, I hope there will be world peace. I hope that one day, the world will become a paradise with no wars or disasters.
Most importantly, I would like to say that Mr. Li Hongzhi has made a lasting and tremendous impact because of the faith he has imparted while helping to rescue the souls of mankind. It is a glorious achievement that will be remembered forever in history. Thousands of generations of people will come to know more and more about what he has created, and the teachings will spread far and wide. They will nourish the soul. He has enabled mankind to learn and experience again a realm of sincerity, a wish of kindness, a strong tenacity, and a divine power.
In our generation, Mr. Li Hongzhi has become a guide of faith despite those wicked criminals with ulterior motives who see him as their archenemy. This is not the first time such a travesty has occurred in history, and it may very well happen again. Yet all that matters is for a person to have a kind and good character. After all, like water and oil, the good and the evil always go their separate ways. A genuinely good person will surely praise and admire Mr. Li Hongzhi for what he has given mankind: Falun Dafa and Shen Yun.
Please pass my regards to Mr. Li Hongzhi on the eve of the Chinese New Year. I wish him good health, longevity, and happiness!
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Category: Greetings