Practitioners in the Military in China Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the 21st Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Introduction to the Public! Respectfully Wishing Compassionate Great Master a Happy Birthday!
Greetings received from:
two practitioners in the air force in Beijing
practitioners in the military in Shaanxi Province
a veteran and his wife
practitioners and their families in Nanjing Military Region, Jiangsu Province
practitioners in an air force compound in Beijing
practitioners who are retired from No. 3 headquarters of the armed forces
practitioners who are demobilized soldiers in the Guangzhou Military Region, Guangdong Province
practitioners working in the education system in the military
practitioners in a Fa-study group in a military compound in Guangzhou City
practitioners who are demobilized officials in the air force
demobilized soldiers in the Nanjing Military Region in Jiangsu Province
a practitioner's family of three generations in Dalian Navy Sanatorium for Retired Cadres, Liaoning Province
a practitioner, on behalf his family and relatives and friends who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party organizations, in the Shenyang Military Region, Liaoning Province
practitioners in the military in Shaanxi Province
practitioners who are demobilized soldiers in the air force
practitioners in the Second Artillery wrote in their message, “We will study the Fa well, cultivate ourselves well, seize the time to save more people, and fulfill our historic mission. Thank you, revered Master, for your compassionate and arduous salvation!”
The original Minghui.org report linked to at the bottom of this page features 16 cards and greetings. A selection of them is presented here.
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Category: Greetings