(Minghui.org) May 13, 2013 is the 21 st anniversary of Falun Dafa's public introduction as well as the 14 th World Falun Dafa Day. On May 12, nearly a hundred Falun Dafa practitioners celebrated this special day at Independence Hall Square in Philadelphia.

Independence Hall is regarded as the birthplace of the United States and is a national tourist attraction. Every day, hundreds of tourists from all over the world visit, including bus-loads of tourists from Mainland China. Falun Dafa practitioners held a large-scale group exercise, speeches, set up display boards and passed out flyers. Many residents and tourists stopped to learn more.

Falun Dafa practitioners of Philadelphia respectfully wish Master Li a happy birthday

Falun Gong exercise demonstration

Tourists, including people from mainland China, viewing the Falun Gong display boards

Emily and her family are from Paris. She took a photo of the Falun Gong exercise demonstration and said that she would post it on her Facebook to “help end the persecution of Falun Gong.”

David signs the petition to support Falun Gong and end the persecution

Government Officials Praise Falun Dafa

Before World Falun Dafa Day, many government officials sent letters or proclamations honoring Falun Dafa.

Honorable Senator of Pennsylvania Mr. Patrick J. Toomey wrote a letter praising the founder of Falun Dafa, Mr. Li Hongzhi, and World Falun Dafa Day.

Honorable Senator of Delaware Mr. Christopher Coons wrote a letter to congratulate practitioners on World Falun Dafa Day.

Honorable Congressman of Pennsylvania, Mr. Patrick Meehan, issued a proclamation in recognition of Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa.

Honorable Congressman of New Jersey, Mr. Robert Andrews, proclaimed Falun Dafa Day.

Mayor of Philadelphia, Mr. Michael A. Nutter, proclaimed May 13 as Falun Dafa Day in Philadelphia.

Mayor of Pittsburgh, Mr. Luke Ravenstahl, City Councilor of Philadelphia, and Senator of New Jersey Mr. Fred H. Madden also sent letters honoring Falun Dafa Day.

Outraged by the Persecution of Falun Gong

Emily and her family are from Paris. She took a photo of the Falun Gong exercise demonstration and said that she would post it on her Facebook to “help end the persecution of Falun Gong.”

David practices Taichi. After he learned about the persecution of Falun Gong in China, he said, “This is so cruel!” and signed the petition to support Falun Gong practitioners stop the persecution.

Jiulio is a student from Italy. She could not understand why the Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Falun Gong. “The person who started the persecution of Falun Gong must be a fool. It is like killing your own siblings,” she said. She praised Falun Gong practitioners' for their efforts in resisting the persecution, “This [practice] is very good. I am upset at the injustice and the persecution.”

An architect from Florida and his family came to Philadelphia to see the Liberty Bell. He said that this was the first time he heard about Falun Gong, and that the exercises are beautiful and peaceful. He said he couldn't understand why such a peaceful practice was being persecuted in China. He said he would learn more about Falun Gong on the Internet.