(Minghui.org) I began my Falun Dafa cultivation eight years after the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began. Dafa saved my family from danger, and me from suicide. I cannot express with words my deep gratitude to Master and Dafa.
Obtaining the Fa
My eldest son, who was in high school, was diagnosed with Hepatitis B in 2007. The doctor recommended that the entire family have physical exams. We were shocked by the results. My younger son also had Hepatitis B HBeAg.
I also tested positive for Hepatitis B, and my husband was high in transaminase. We were poor farmers, and so did not have money for doctors, so we only had my eldest son treated, whose health was the worst. I had saved the money I earned by selling noodles for years, but it was soon all spent on my son's illness.
To support the family and pay medical expenses, which seemed endless, I worked extremely hard. This was detrimental to my health. I had just reached middle age, and had many diseases, including chronic appendicitis, uterine fibroids, myocardial ischemia, and cerebral infarction. My spirits were also low-- suffering from mental illness, I once tried to commit suicide, but failed.
In despair, I obtained a bottle of sleeping pills that I intended to use to end my life. Then, my chance came. I found Falun Dafa, and my life completely changed. I embarked on a new and wonderful journey.
Falun Dafa requires cultivators to look within when in conflicts, and always consider others first. Only after I learned Dafa did I understand the righteous way, and I knew that Dafa was exactly what I had been seeking. I dove right in, determined to cultivate, regardless of the tests I would have to pass.
My husband presented the first interference to my Dafa cultivation. One day when I came home from group Fa study, he was washing his feet. He insulted me, and as I walked by, he kicked the basin of water on me. I did not get angry.
Another time, my husband came home while I was sorting Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials on my bed. He immediately picked up a table and threw it at me. The blow fractured my right arm.
He often drank and whenever he was good and drunk, he would beat me. This occurred every few days.
What was worse, both my brothers were police officers. My younger brother encouraged my husband to beat me if I continued to practice Falun Gong. My older brother was a leader in persecuting Falun Gong. He often participated in force-feeding practitioners who held hunger strikes.
My brothers rushed over shortly after I began practicing Dafa. Without any explanation they pushed me down and beat me. My older brother used both hands to slap my face, while my younger brother kicked me hard in the back. They are both strong men. When they tired, they rested, and then continued beating me. They did this six times. During a rest, they tried to convince me to stop my practice, but I told them, “Master told me to tolerate, so I will tolerate.” The skin on my back was worn off from the repetitive kicking, and they pulled out some of my hair. My younger brother was a madman. I didn't even recognize him. I knew it was the evil in other dimensions that was controlling him.
They behaved so insanely because they were afraid that their sister would affect their futures, because I was a Falun Gong practitioner. My older brother was also afraid that I might be tortured to death, as that had already been done to three practitioners in our area. Whatever the reason, I was not going to be manipulated by others. I understood the true meaning of life.
My older brother received karmic retribution almost immediately after he beat me. He was not able to lift his arms. He recovered after receiving intravenous infusions for several days. My younger brother was soon dismissed from his job, due to his use of violence. He was caught up in a legal battle for a couple of years, trying to sue for losing his job. His conscience later returned and he apologized to me for his wrongdoing.
Truly Practicing Cultivation
I have been employed at several different places, and always tried to explain the facts about Falun Gong to the people I worked with. I first worked in a famous local restaurant. My boss had been deceived by the lies of the Chinese Communist Party, and told me he would not hire a Falun Gong practitioner. I decided to show him what a Falun Gong practitioner is like. My job was to wash vegetables. Past employees, in order to finish quickly, would cut the vegetable into halves, wash the roots carefully, and then carelessly rinse the leaves. Because I followed the principles of a practitioner, I examined every vegetable carefully and removed any bad leaves. I then rinsed them until they were clean and placed them neatly in a clean basket. This took longer, but resulted in fresh, clean vegetables. When the boss saw what a good job I did, he smiled in approval. At the end of my first month, my boss talked to me about my salary. I said I never cared too much about money, I just wanted to do my job well. He ended up paying me 50 extra yuan than he had paid the previous employee in my position. I knew it was a reward for my good work. My boss later learned the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution, and quit the CCP. He also brought his daughter to me to quit the CCP.
Another time, when I was disassembling a frame, broken glass cut deep into the tip of my thumb, leaving an inch-long cut with my bone exposed. I immediately felt my arm become cold. But I then remembered that I had Master to protect me. I held the cut, immediately went to a nearby clinic to purchase a bandage, and then returned to work. The next morning, I removed the bandage, and there was a scar where my skin had been cut. My neighbors could not believe that such a deep cut could heal so quickly. They said that they too wanted to read Zhuan Falun. My hand was not even swollen, and I had no pain. Master had suffered for me. I cannot even imagine the pain a non-practitioner would have had with such an injury.
Several days later, while riding my tricycle, I was hit by two motorcycles coming at me from different directions. The other drivers were injured, with fractured arms and legs. A thick piece of iron cut into my hand and pulled open the scar left from the cut I had received just a few days prior, once again leaving my bone exposed. I immediately realized that for my last cut, I went to the clinic for a bandage, which indicated that I did not fully believe in the power of Dafa. Tears flowed in gratitude when I enlightened to this. So, when I got home I just washed the cut clean with water, and covered it with a clean rag. The cut healed quickly, leaving no scar.
My mother-in-law owned some property, which I took care of after I began my Falun Gong practice. I sold the grain, and gave her all the money. My father-in-law passed away this year, and in front of a group of women coming to help, my mother-in-law told them in detail the many benefits of my Falun Gong practice, and about my tribulations. The women were all moved to tears.
160,000 yuan (the equivalent of approximately $26,000) was donated for my father-in-law's funeral. My brother-in-law took all the money, including what was donated by my parents. I didn't complain. My neighbors said, “I've heard people say that Falun Dafa is good, but didn't know how it was good. Now I know from you why Falun Dafa is good.”
I was happy to show others the goodness of Dafa, rather than receive a fortune.
Saving Sentient Beings
I once had a strange dream, where a group of people descended from the heavens towards me, and each had a big bag of belongings. I didn't know what the dream meant. Then the next morning, my husband unexpectedly decided to start running a convenience store from home. My home was near the national highway. The store has since become a place where I save sentient beings. I try my best to save everyone I meet there.
Two people once came to sell batteries. Batteries are not easy to sell in a convenience store. But I wanted the chance to save them, so I spent 360 yuan ($58) on four boxes. The two salesmen learned the truth, and quit the CCP. Since they were from out of town, I also gave them a large package of truth-clarifying materials, including the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Several days later, I received a phone call from the battery plant. The plant owner asked, “Could you save us too?” “Of course,” I replied, and he asked me to write down the names of seven CCP members and help them quit. How worthwhile it was for me to buy a few boxes of batteries and save nine people, even if I never sold them.
A local annual fair took place last summer. Several fellow practitioners had been arrested just before the fair while clarifying truth face to face, so the atmosphere was a bit tense. I was not moved. My nephew happened to open a temporary parking lot, and asked me to help him. Many people were parking their vehicles there, and it was a good opportunity to clarify the truth to them. I gave every owner an amulet with facts about Falun Gong, as proof of their parking there, and then persuaded them to quit the CCP.
Over 400 people quit the CCP in eight days. A village officer said he would bring his wife back and let me help her quit too. He also said, “I will only listen to Falun Gong in the future.”
During my truth-clarification process, I also encountered dangerous situations, but remained safe. I went to a village to distribute truth-clarification calendars in the Winter of 2011. When all were delivered and I was heading home, a police car caught up to me. Someone must have reported us. The car was full of practitioners who were now in danger of being arrested.
I approached the police car in an attempt to bring their attention to me and allow the others to escape. So, only the driver and I were taken to the Domestic Security Division at the police department. I explained the truth to them on the way.
When we arrived, a group of police officers with electric batons were standing in the corridor threatening us. I was unmoved, and had only one thought, "All who came to me were to be saved." So I told one officer, “If I were your own mother, would you treat me like this?” He laughed.
They took turns coming in, and I clarified the truth about Falun Gong to them. They did not hurt me. Afterwards they called in my brothers, thinking this would move me. My thought was that my brothers were all my sentient beings, and should support their own king, not persecute me together along with the evil. They sat there silently as expected. A police officer asked me my level of education. I told him I had graduated from junior middle school. He couldn't believe it, and said, “Even college graduates would not be as capable as you are. Go to the United States to meet your Master!” I knew I could leave. I got home before dark.
My older brother saw me validating Dafa in person, and said, “I feel you won't stop even if they point a gun at you. So what I can do is to send you some food and clothing when you get detained.”
Finally, after I was released this time, my family members gave up their monitoring of me. I could then practice Dafa at home freely. Shortly after that my husband found me a job distributing journals. I obtained opportunities to enter county subordinate units to save sentient beings there.
My brothers both quit the CCP due to my efforts. My younger brother said, “What my sister wants to do cannot be stopped by anyone.” My older brother said, “I won't interfere with you practicing Falun Gong in the future. At least your health recovered. Zhuan Falun is really miraculous."
My understanding is that I could not be like this today without Master and Dafa. I walk on the path arranged by Master with gratitude every day. When I reflected on what Master has suffered for disciples, and how lucky I am to become a disciple of Master, my tears flowed. I truly want to be a disciple who will not let down Master.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth