(Minghui.org) Practitioners in Edmonton, Canada, held an event in McIntyre Park on July 20, 2013, to protest the Chinese communist regime’s 14-year persecution of Falun Gong in China. The regime launched a violent suppression of the spiritual practice in 1999.
Many locals learned about Falun Gong and the persecution during the event, as practitioners distributed informational flyers and spoke to people who stopped by.
Prominent banners with words “Falun Dafa is Good,” “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” and “Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong” could be seen from a distance away, while a table up front held various informational materials for the public.
As practitioners gathered together to do Falun Gong meditative exercises near the park's pavilion, a local television station set up to cover the event.
Practitioners do the Falun Gong exercises together.
A local television station interviews a practitioner.
The word “horrible” is not adequate to describe the crimes of the Chinese regime, said Ms. M. Benavides upon learning of the persecution and forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. There is simply no appropriate word in the dictionary, she added.
A middle-aged woman took her time to carefully read all of the information provided. She said it was very hard to comprehend the full extent of the regime's crimes. “Just practicing in the park could be punished this way?” she asked in astonishment. “What kind of country and government could allow this to happen?”
The woman said that her school was discussing the possibility of doing joint projects with China. When she heard that China’s schools have effectively become “brainwashing centers” for the youth, with even elementary school textbooks being filled with the Communist Party's propaganda and lies, she said that she would raise this issue with the school board.
A middle-aged man asked about the current situation of organ harvesting in China. He expressed his concern and said that he's very much aware of this issue.
When he was on a sightseeing trip to China not long ago, he noticed that the regime has now begun to promote organ donation, which it had not done in the past. He wondered if this was the Communist Party's attempt to cover up its crimes, following an international outcry regarding forced organ harvesting from the prisoners of conscience in China.
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Category: July 20 Events