(Minghui.org) Our Fa study group consists of 11 practitioners between the ages of 12 and 73. Everyone in our group judges their actions according to the Fa. I would like to share and report to Master about several miraculous cultivation experiences we have experienced.
Divine vs. Human
One of the practitioners in our group was a retired medical worker. She started practicing Falun Dafa over 14 years ago. Not long afterward, the persecution by the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began. She lived in a military family, so the pressure on her was high. However, she was faithful to Dafa and wouldn't let anything change her mind.
On one occasion, she was involved in a car accident while on a business trip. Her friend and the driver died, but she was unharmed.
Ten days ago, this practitioner felt a hard muscular mass in her stomach. Sometimes it was big, sometimes small. It affected her eating and induced back pain. She shared with us and looked inward. We also sent forth righteous thoughts for her.
Master said:
“If he is able to let go of life and death, he is a god; if he isn’t able to let go of life and death, he is human.” ("Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Australia")
This practitioner said, “I want to be a god, not a human.”
No matter how painful it was, she never told her relatives. She didn't stop doing the three things and kept to the Fa daily.
In the morning when we did the second exercise, a fellow practitioner saw Master reaching into her stomach and pulling out a purple mass of muscle; purple blood oozed down Master's hands. During the six o'clock period of sending forth righteous thoughts, the same practitioner saw Master putting a colorful, shiny orb into her lotus palm.
The affected practitioner then shared that she felt much more comfortable, and her stomach wasn't swelling up anymore. Her appetite also returned.
Saved from Falling Off a Cliff
Another practitioner from our group, a woman in her 60s, was a newcomer to Falun Dafa. She obtained the Fa about six months prior, and her illnesses disappeared. In March of this year, this woman and her sister were planning to go to their mother's house. Her son drove the car to pick up her sister.
He parked the car on a steep hill and went into the house, while his mother stayed in the car. The car began to roll backward toward a cliff. The son could do nothing to stop it.
As this practitioner sat helpless in the car, she shouted, “Master, save me! Save me!” Suddenly, she heard a voice yelling, “The car has stopped!” Her son ran over and saw one rear wheel of the car suspended in the air and the other blocked by a dying tree's root.
One of the villagers who helped pull the car back onto the road said: “That was scary! If the car went down, so would that old lady. That lady must have a huge amount of virtue. God has protected her. She is really lucky and fortunate.” After the incident, the practitioner decided not to go to her mom's house, but to return home instead.
As soon as she got home, she respectfully knelt in front of Master's picture to show her gratitude.
Rescued from the Brink of Death
The practitioner mentioned above has a daughter who obtained the Fa about a year and a half ago. Not long after she became a practitioner, she and some of the veteran practitioners went out to distribute informational materials about Falun Dafa.
The practitioners asked the young woman if she was scared. She said, “No. If I was, then I wouldn't be cultivating.” She studied the Fa and practiced the exercises along with the rest of us. Her attitude and personality changed a lot. Seeing the wonderful changes in this young woman prompted other family members to begin cultivation practice as well.
On the World Falun Dafa Day (May 13) of this year, our group came together to study the Fa and do the exercises. At 9:50 p.m., when we were practicing the sitting meditation, the young woman suddenly leaned on a fellow practitioner and fell to the ground.
Everyone stood up to help her. Her face was pale, and her mouth and eyelid on the right side were drooping. She was drooling, and her legs were twitching. She was perspiring, and her breaths were shallow. Her pulse was weak and barely noticeable. She also became incontinent.
A 73-year-old practitioner said, “Place her on the blankets on the ground and let's hurry and ask Master to please save her.” Four of us surrounded her and sent forth righteous thoughts. One of the practitioners saw her funeral through the Celestial Eye.
An elderly practitioner said, “This is a critical time. We must not stop sending forth righteous thoughts for her.” While holding her palm erect, she said mercifully yet strictly, “All lives, listen up. It doesn't matter what this young woman may have done in a past life. She has obtained Dafa, so she is one of Master Li Hongzhi's disciples. Her fate rests in Master's hands. Being here today is lucky for all of you and for her. Listen to me: give up the hatred and forgive her! All of you, say 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good' and have a better life!”
All of us surrounded the young woman and shouted her name. We pulled on her legs and arms, but she had no response. We carried her to the bed and covered her with blankets. Facing this situation, everyone was calm and cooperative. We didn't stop believing in the Fa and continued to ask Master for salvation.
At 2 a.m., the young woman regained consciousness. She put her hands on her head and shivered, while saying over and over, “I'm so cold! It hurts all over! My bones hurt!” We put three layers of blankets on top of her, yet she was still complained of cold.
After that, she repeatedly vomited and excreted blobs of thick blood and tissue. It had a very unique, wretched smell. We carried her to the bathroom and back to the bed several times before we decided to let her stay on the toilet. We put a bucket in front of her, so she could vomit without making a mess. It continued like this for the entire night.
On the second day, we continued to feed her and give her water. She vomited and excreted everything she ate. We continued to send forth righteous thoughts for her.
One of the veteran practitioners reminded her of Master's words:
“'When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.'” (Zhuan Falun)
The young woman was very cooperative. When she was on the ground in pain, two of us saw through our Celestial Eye that her cerebellum was bleeding and her entire brain was green-purple. A practitioner asked if she wanted to go to the hospital, but she refused.
After a week, her condition improved. We helped her to do the standing exercises. After about 20 days, with Master's compassion, practitioners' help and her faith in Dafa, she finally passed the test.
During these 20 days, everyone stayed close to her and helped her, even with things like cleansing her face and feet, washing her clothes and feeding her.
Three practitioners in our group are doctors. They all agreed that her condition was extremely critical; she had lost consciousness for so long that her brain likely did not receive adequate oxygen and fluids. An ordinary person would die under such circumstances, and even if one did survive, they would probably be paralyzed.
Today, this practitioner is very lively. She looks like a 30-year-old, but in reality she is in her 40s. People who heard about her story all thought it was miraculous.
There are numerous cases like these, but I decided to only write about the three most recent ones to show that Falun Dafa is indeed heavenly. We will continue to be diligent in clarifying the facts and helping Master save people.
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