(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Lijun from Tangshan City, Hebei Province, was illegally arrested and taken to Tangshan Detention Center on July 15, 2013.
Ms. Chen, who lives in Yimingyuan in the Gaoxin District of Tangshan, went out and forgot to lock her door on the evening of January 5, 2012. Her neighbor mistakenly thought thieves had broken into her home and called police.
Huojulu Police Station officers responded to the call, ransacked the home, and confiscated a computer, printer, Dafa books, identification cards, cellphones, 3,000 yuan in cash, and other personal belongings. She left her home to avoid being arrested for practicing Falun Dafa.
Ms. Chen's husband was arrested by officers from Huojunlu Police Station the following day, and interrogated all night. Only when their school-aged son wrote a guarantee statement did the police release him.
The police then went to her workplace, Tangshan Steel Factory, No. 2 Steel Plate Plant, to harass her co-workers. The workshop manager, Sun Shengjun, consequently refused to let her return to work. He told her not to come back until she had resolved her problems with the police. He changed his mind and told her husband that she was fired.
The police frequently went to her home to harass her family and try to find out where she was. She could no longer hold a regular job and could visit her home only from time to time.
Ms. Chen was shopping with another practitioner at Longdong Shopping Center on the morning of July 15, 2013, when they noticed two vehicles with special license plates. One was a black Toyota SUV, and the other a large white vehicle. Several people were sitting in the white car. The other practitioner spoke about Falun Dafa to a person in the black car. The person said, “This has something to do with my job. You could be in trouble if you get caught.”
Ms. Chen was arrested at her home that evening at around 9:00 p.m. She is being held in the Tangshan Detention Center.
Another practitioner, Xiaohong, was arrested on Jianguo Road at around 3:00 p.m. on July 20. According to eyewitnesses, Xiaohong was dragged into a car by at least two men in their thirties. Two cars were involved in the arrest. According to some information resources, Xiaohong has been taken to Nanjing.
We wish to remind practitioners who have cars to be careful when clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to people, and be careful using cellphones.
Two officers involved in the illegal search and ransacking of Ms. Chen’s home: Female police officer: +86-18832987549 Male police officer with the surname of Xie: +86-18832981187
Ms. Chen Lijun’s workplace: Tangshan Steel Factory Sun Shengjun, manager of the workshop: +86-18931588655 Xu Shengjun, director of the workshop: +86-18931588505 Supervisors: +86-18931588736, +86-13315531118, +86-13513254216
Tangshan City Detention Center Liu Jincheng, director: +86-13832981151 Liu, director: +86-13832981619 Meng, director: +86-13832981132
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