(Minghui.org) Early on the morning of January 27, I did the exercises and went back to sleep. I dreamed that people were coming and going around me. I couldn't communicate with them, so I didn't get up. I soon floated up and started ascending.
I shot up to higher dimensions and saw a divine being dressed like a man in ancient China. Music was playing in his dimension. He looked like he was having a good time. We didn't speak, as I sensed there were more important things ahead for me.
It got dark as I continued shooting up. A golden stairway appeared when I wasn't sure if I could continue going up. I took the first step and saw a few more steps in front of me. I realized later that these steps were the pages of the Dafa scriptures I had read!
Just when I felt powerless to ascend further at the end of the golden stairway, a powerful inhaling force took me up, and I went to a beautiful place! Tears rolled down my cheeks as I realized that my final steps upward were possible solely due to Master's help! The substance that made it so difficult for me to climb further was probably my uncultivated part or things that I had yet to enlighten to.
The next morning, my dream continued where it left off the previous day. This time it was not totally dark, just foggy. A shiny person appeared. My gut feeling was that this being wasn't aligned with the Fa. Looking again, I recognized that he was an old man in a video game that I used to play over ten years ago!
My attachments to video games had interfered with many of my projects and had formed aggressive and distorted substances in my mind. What a lesson!
I know that sometimes cultivators are allowed to see scenes beyond their current levels. This is done to help them cultivate better, not to fulfill their attachments such as curiosity. Master has opened the door very wide. The only things that can block us are our attachments and karma!
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