(Minghui.org) Practitioners of Falun Gong held a booth at Birmingham's annual Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Festival on November 3-5. They demonstrated the meditative exercises and gave out literature on the practice and the persecution of this peaceful group in China.
Falun Gong practitioners in Birmingham hold a booth at the Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Festival.
Many festival-goers attend the Falun Gong workshop and learn how to do the exercises.
“[Falun Gong] Will Make Us Better People”
Heather (right) said her mind became more focused while doing the Falun Gong exercises.
Heather and Emma attended the Falun Gong workshop to learn the exercises and about the principles behind the practice. Heather said that the movements of the exercises were simple, yet she could feel a very strong energy. “My mind became very focused and I felt very peaceful. The surroundings were very noisy, but it no longer bothered me,” Heather said.
Heather said that the world would be a better place if everyone practiced Falun Gong and followed its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. “It will make us better people,” she said.
Cambridge Resident: “I Want to Learn Falun Gong”
Tim said that just watching the exercise demo made him feel relaxed.
Tim lives in Cambridge and had heard about the persecution of Falun Gong in China before. “Before the persecution, Falun Gong was popular and spread very fast. This resulted in the suppression. The Chinese authorities have tried to claim that Falun Gong is 'dangerous,' but it's clear to me that Falun Gong conveys a very peaceful message,” said Tim.
Tim watched the practitioners demonstrating the exercises and said, “When you see a group of people so peaceful, you feel their energy and your heart calms down. I want to learn Falun Gong. I will contact the practitioners in Cambridge.”
“I Feel Very Serene”
Rowena works at Birmingham University. She and Pauline were at the Wellbeing Festival last year and were intrigued by Falun Gong and stopped again this year to learn more.
“I was able to calm down and relax [during the demonstration],” said Rowena, “I feel very serene.” They planned to download the books from the Falun Gong website.
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