(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa has been practiced by people in more than 100 countries and regions. Year in and year out, Falun Dafa practitioners around the world make great efforts to spread Dafa's beauty and magnificence to predestined people in these countries.
Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting this ancient spiritual practice, practitioners around the world have made use of various channels and approaches to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa to Chinese people who have been misled by the CCP's propaganda and lies. They have also raised awareness and countered the persecution in China.
As World Falun Dafa Day approaches, Falun Dafa practitioners involved in various truth-clarification groups around the world, truth-clarification sites at tourist attractions in various countries, Quitting the CCP Service Centers, and media outlets sent in their greetings to revered Master Li with wishes for a happy birthday!
The well-wishers hail from:
A truth-clarification team via the internetNTD Television in New YorkTian Guo Marching Band in EuropeMedia Group in New YorkNTD Television and The Epoch Times Media Group in New YorkTruth-clarification site on Times Square in New YorkTruth-clarification site in Rockefeller, New YorkTruth-clarification site in Asakusa, JapanThe Epoch Times Newspaper in San FranciscoWaist Drum Team in New YorkDHT Telephone-Making Platform targeting truth clarification to personnel in government agencies in ChinaTechnical Team of DHT Telephone-Making PlatformManual-Dialing playing truth clarification broadcast teamGlobal Telephone-Making Group—DHT PlatformYoung practitioners and their families outside of ChinaPractitioners outside of China
Practitioners in a Truth-Clarification Team Via Internet respectfully wish Master a Happy Birthday!
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners working in NTD Television in New York
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in the European Tian Guo Marching Band
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners who work in the media group in New York
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners at NTD Television and The Epoch Times Media Group in New York
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners from Changchun City, China who work in NTD Television in New York
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners at a truth-clarification site on Times Square in New York
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners at a truth-clarification site in Rockefeller, New York
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners at a truth-clarification site in Asakusa, Japan
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners at The Epoch Times newspaper in San Francisco
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in the Waist Drum Team in New York
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners at DHT Telephone-Making Platform targeting truth clarification to personnel in government agencies in China
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners on the Technical Team of DHT Telephone-Making Platform
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in a team that plays truth-clarification broadcasts to China via manual dialing
Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in a Global Telephone-Making Group—DHT Platform
Greetings to Master Li from young practitioners and their families outside of China
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Category: Greetings