(Minghui.org) On the 18th World Falun Dafa Day, May 13, 2017, Falun Gong practitioners from Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, held an event in a local farmers' market to share this ancient Chinese cultivation practice and let people know that it is being persecuted in China.
That same day, the mayor proclaimed May 13 “Falun Dafa Day in Grande Prairie,” and three lawmakers sent their congratulations.
A local resident hears about Falun Gong as four practitioners demonstrate the sitting meditation in the background.
Telling visitors about Falun Gong
Learning the exercises at a free workshop in the afternoon
Practitioners with the proclamation and letters of congratulations
The proclamation issued by Bill Given, the mayor of Grande Prairie, recognized that “the great compassion and forbearance demonstrated by Falun Dafa practitioners have touched the hearts of kind-hearted people all over the world.”
In his letter, Chris Warkentin, Member of Parliament for Grande Prairie, welcomed the attendees “who are celebrating Falun Dafa month, as well as the joyous occasion of paying tribute to the 25th anniversary of Falun Dafa's introduction to the public.”
Wayne Drysdale, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, wrote, “... and may we all continue to appreciate the three fundamentals of Falun Dafa: Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”
In his letter, Todd Loewen, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta. Mr. Loewen said: “Those peacefully practicing Falun Dafa in China have suffered deadly persecution for nearly two decades. This is unacceptable. The fundamental values of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, advanced by Falun Dafa, are values that all Canadians should aspire to embody and ones I work everyday to represent.”
Related article in Chinese:http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2017/6/2/加拿大大草原市民众学炼法轮功(图)-349082.html
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Category: Dafa Day Recognition