(Minghui.org) Whenever we participate in activities such as parades, rallies or other efforts to introduce Falun Dafa, practitioners usually wear clothing printed with Falun Dafa characters and the words, “Zhen Shen Ren” (Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance). When we wear this clothing, we are telling the world that we are Falun Dafa practitioners.
Remembering That Practitioners Represent Dafa
Our perceptions and expectations of people are usually based on who the person is and what they do. For example, when people learn that someone is a teacher they may start to evaluate them with the standards for a teacher, who is expected to be knowledgeable and polite.
When we wear Falun Dafa clothing, we represent Falun Dafa. Our behavior and speech may be used to evaluate Falun Dafa.
We practitioners not only cultivate ourselves outwardly by doing the exercises, our goal is to improve inwardly by following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
Master said,
“From now on, whatever you do, you should consider others first, so as to attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism. So from now on, whatever you do or whatever you say, you must consider others—or even future generations—along with Dafa’s eternal stability.” (“Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature,” from Essentials for Further Advancement)
To reach true “selflessness and altruism,” we should watch our words and behavior, be considerate of others, and examine ourselves first whenever we encounter any interference or confrontations.
Our Words and Behavior Can Save People
Because of the Internet, when we participate in activities we may be observed by people throughout the world. Our Dafa clothes are important tools that can help save people and should not be lent to ordinary people. Master said,
“The clothes you wear represent Dafa disciples. If you casually loan it to an ordinary person, and that person does things not befitting the Fa or that shouldn't be done, then are you saving sentient beings or ruining them?” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference,” from Teaching the Fa at the Conference IX)
From the above teaching, I understand that our clothes are very important when we participate in activities. When Chinese tourists see our Falun Dafa clothing they watch us and observe how we behave. If we behave above the standard for ordinary people, they will respect Falun Dafa. However, if we behave badly they may develop a negative opinion of Dafa. Our behavior and words, no matter how trivial, can have a big impact.
Master said,
“He is full of great aspirations while minding minor details .” (“Sage," from Essentials for Further Advancement)
About 20 years ago, a colleague invited me to watch a video of Master Li Hongzhi's teaching. I was young and had not decided to practice yet.
When we arrived, many people were already there. Even though the power was out, I noticed that everyone was waiting quietly. I could feel how peaceful and calm they were. I immediately sensed that this group of people was different, better.
Two decades later, I can still clearly remember that day. Their polite behavior left me with a positive impression of Falun Dafa.
I've sometimes noticed practitioners who were not polite or considerate, but they afterwards regretted their rude behavior. We are still cultivating and are eliminating our shortcomings.
I'd like to share Master's teaching with you,
“In your efforts to save sentient beings you've labored so hard to allow people to have a new understanding of us. So when you don't do well, it's quite possible you are unwittingly undermining the efforts you've made and some of the things you plan to do. You are cultivators, whose conduct is [supposed to be] pure and righteous. There are so many people who think you're great just by having seen how you act. If we don't pay attention to our own behavior in our daily lives, everyday people will see our actions and, since they can't get to know you at a deep level such as by studying the Fa, they will just look at how you act. And it's possible that one sentence or one action of yours will make them unsavable or create a bad impression of Dafa. We need to think about these things.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston,” from Teaching the Fa at the Conference II)
This is my personal understanding. Please correct whatever is not appropriate.
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Category: Improving Oneself