(Minghui.org) Over 100 million people worldwide have benefited from practicing Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) since Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa introduced the spiritual practice to the public in 1992.
Sofia, who is from Greece, is one of them. She has experienced enormous positive changes to her mind and body since 2012, when she started practicing Falun Dafa.
She stopped playing computer games, which she had been addicted to for eight years, and her relationships with her parents and husband improved.
“The meaning of life had puzzled me,” she said, “and I couldn't get along with my parents because of my bad temper and selfishness. It wasn't until I read the book Zhuan Falun that things became much clearer to me. Falun Dafa has changed my mind and body completely. My family think my teacher [the founder of Falun Dafa] is great! Falun Dafa is wonderful!”
Sofia protesting the persecution of Falun Gong
Finding Zhuan Falun
Sofia used to have a wide range of interests, including amateur dramatics, dancing and running. But every time she tried something new, it didn't truly satisfy her.
All that changed when she read the book Zhuan Falun. “I was so excited after reading just the first page,” she said. “Every word touched my heart. I felt that I had a predestined relationship with Mr. Li Hongzhi.
“Just a few days after I started to do the exercises, I felt the energy in my body become so strong. And I had a warm feeling in my heart as I read. I was determined to use the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to guide me in my daily life.”
Giving Up Computer Games
Sofia's health improved a great deal after she had been practicing for just a short time, and her character also improved. The most important thing was that she gave up playing computer games.
She became addicted to computer games in 2004, and she spent more and more time on the computer each day, some days up to 16 hours. She gave up all her other interests to focus on computer games.
“I tried many times to give it up, but I didn't have enough willpower to control myself and pull myself out of it,” she said.
“I played the games again after I started practicing Falun Dafa, but I found this time my addiction wasn't that strong, and gradually I lost interest in them. If I played again, I would feel a sharp pain in my eyes, and my body felt terrible. I decided to quit playing them altogether.”
Sofia shared her experience with other netizens on the Internet, and soon after, a lot of them also decided to quit playing. “I'm not interested in playing games anymore,” she added.
Family Members Are Grateful for Dafa
The relationship between Sofia and her parents was very tense before she practiced Falun Dafa, and she thought there was no way to improve the situation.
Before she moved to Australia, Sofia and her mother ran a family business. However, she never took much interest in the business and only went to the shop when she felt like it and didn't stay long when she did. She complained a lot and quarreled with her mother.
Sofia said, “My mom always thought of me in a negative way. I couldn't get along with my dad, either, especially after he divorced my mother. I thought my family was keeping me from being happy and wanted to destroy my life. I moved to Australia with my husband and just wanted to escape from my family.”
“I am so lucky to practice Falun Dafa! I tell myself not to hurt people and not to always look for their faults. I should be more responsible for myself and the people I know.”
When Sofia told her mother that she'd started practicing Falun Dafa, her mom was against it because she believed the lies and propaganda put out by the Chinese Communist Party in the Western media.
“I wasn't in a hurry to convince my mom. I just wanted to improve myself and do things according to Dafa's requirements. I also stopped using my own concepts to judge my mom. Eventually, her attitude changed.”
Her mother started to listen to her talk about the activities she participated in to stop the persecution of Falun Dafa in China.
Sofia didn't talk to her father for three years even though she had started practicing Falun Dafa. She found it is hard to forgive him until May 2015, when she realized, after reading Mr. Li Hongzhi's lectures, that she should share Dafa with him regardless of whatever he'd done to her.
She called him, but no one answered the phone. The following day she sent him Falun Dafa informational materials.
Sofia received his 'thank you' text soon after, and he also said he wanted to talk to her via the internet.
“Our relationship has returned to normal,” Sofia said. “I have given up all the painful memories, and no longer hate anyone.”
When Sofia went back to Greece in 2016, her aunt cried and said to her, “We all think your teacher is so great! Falun Dafa is wonderful!”
A Happy Marriage
Sofia's husband also witnessed the positive changes in her after she took up the practice.
“He admires what I have been doing and also tells people he knows about Falun Dafa and the persecution,” Sofia said. “We no longer fight or shout at each other.
“Falun Dafa has completely changed me. I no longer pursue self-interest, money, or reputation. My mind has become clear, strong, and honest. Our life together has become more relaxed and full of compassion, wisdom, and hope. We follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in our daily lives. My heart is filled with gratitude to my teacher. He made me a brand new person!”
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