(Minghui.org) World Falun Dafa Day, May 13, is observed across the globe to celebrate the public introduction of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) in China on May 13, 1992. Falun Dafa practitioners throughout the world hold events to celebrate this special day, as well as to introduce the benefits of the practice to others and raise awareness about the Chinese Communist Party's brutal 19-year persecution of Falun Dafa in China. In this article, we share news of Dafa Day events in Singapore, Japan, Thailand, and New Zealand.
Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day in Singapore
Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore held an event in Hong Lim Park on the afternoon of May 8, 2018.
Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore celebrate World Falun Dafa Day in Hong Lim Park.
Practicing the Falun Gong exercises together in Hong Lim Park.
Passers-by learn about Falun Gong.
A passer-by signs a petition against the persecution in China.
The celebration started at 4 p.m. with a group practice of the Falun Gong exercises, followed by music and dance performances and a signature campaign condemning the persecution in China. Paintings from the Art of Zhen Shan Ren International Exhibition were also shown. Many passers-by paused to take in the event and sign the petition.
Joo, a businessman from South Korea, was in Singapore on a tour. He had a photo taken of him with the Dafa Day event in the background. He said that he'd learned about the Chinese Communist Party persecution of Falun Gong from media reports. After learning more about Falun Gong, he expressed an interest in learning the practice.
65-year-old Meiling has practiced Falun Gong for 11 years. She overcame migraine headaches after learning Falun Gong.
Russian Professor Nikolai has practiced Falun Gong for 9 years after his wife introduced it to him. He took park in the event on a trip to Singapore.
New practitioner Rohmat found meaning in life from Falun Gong.
Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day in Thailand
Falun Gong practitioners in Thailand gathered in Lumpini Park, Bangkok on May 6, 2018 to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day. They demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and presented music and dance performances, including waist drums and voice.
Falun Gong practitioners celebrate world Falun Dafa Day and wish founder Master Li Hongzhi a happy birthday.
The waist drum troupe performs.
Falun Gong exercise demonstration in Lumpini Park, Bangkok.
Young practitioners recite poems during the World Falun Dafa Day celebration in Bangkok.
Practitioners perform folk dances of the ethnic Dai people of China.
Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day in Japan
Falun Gong practitioners in Tokyo gathered at Hibiya Park on May 6, 2018 and held a parade to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day. The parade passed through the busy Ginza “Pedestrian Heaven,” a popular shopping area closed to traffic on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Many spectators listened to the performance of the Tian Guo Marching Band and enjoyed practitioners modeling beautiful ancient Chinese costumes. A number of people signed the petition against the persecution in China.
Falun Gong practitioners held a parade in Tokyo to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.
This member of the Tian Guo Marching Band has practiced Falun Gong since 2004.
Practitioner Wenliang Wang: “Practicing Falun Gong led me to understand the meaning of life.”
Row Ti Mine, a student from Vietnam, has benefited from practicing Falun Gong in both health and academic performance.
Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day in New Zealand
Falun Gong practitioners in New Zealand celebrated World Falun Dafa Day on Aotea Square in Auckland on May 6, 2018.
Group practice of the Falun Gong exercises on Aotea Square in Auckland.
Dragon dancing to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.
Passers-by show their support for Falun Gong by posing for “social media” photographs.
Several practitioners shared their experiences in practicing Falun Gong, and afterwards, practitioners demonstrated the exercises together. They also delighted spectators with a waist drum performance and dragon dancing.
Keith Morgan, a resident of Auckland, learned about Falun Gong and hopes that the persecution in China ends soon.
New practitioner James Hart at the Dafa Day event in Auckland.
Fiona Walsh from Ireland watches the performance.
Related articles in Chinese: Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day in Thailand,Japan, and New Zealand.
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