(Minghui.org) The Art of Zhen Shan Ren (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance) International Exhibition was held in Malmö in the south of Sweden at the KC-Kompetenscenter on October 17-24, 2019. The exhibition was co-organized by the Association of Art and Culture and the KC-Kompetenscenter, and with support from the NBV (a Swedish organization). Many people were touched by the beautiful paintings and by Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance reflected in the artworks.
The exhibition featured 29 oil paintings by 13 artists who practice Falun Dafa. Their artworks present the beauty of the spiritual and meditation discipline and practitioners’ unwavering spirit in the face of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of their faith. Many people expressed their gratitude after seeing the paintings, as well as their strong wish to see the persecution come to an end.
Speakers at the opening of the exhibit (left to right): Phoebe Feng, Falun Dafa practitioner;
Renée Besseling, Association for Art and Culture;
Olle Möller, head of KC-kompetenscenter; and Anna Hjalmarrson, NBV
High school students in Malmö learn about the history of Falun Dafa and the persecution in China from the artworks.
Students and Teachers Learn About Persecution in China
Several weeks before the exhibition opened, an invitation was sent to all middle and high schools in Malmö. During the week of the exhibition, several high school teachers booked guided tours for their students. Several hundred students saw the artworks and discovered the history of Falun Dafa and its persecution by the CCP.
High school students listen to Phoebe and Min’s firsthand accounts of the persecution.
After history teacher Joakim and his class were given a guided tour of the exhibition, they met Phoebe and her mother, Min, both Falun Dafa practitioners. The women shared their firsthand experiences of the persecution in China.
Joakim later wrote in a letter to the organizers, “The exhibition was very enriching, especially the opportunity to hear Phoebe and her mother tell their stories. The exhibition was interesting but troubling. I have to be honest that I did not know about the number of Falun Gong practitioners or the extent of the organ harvesting.” He also suggested that Phoebe visit schools in Malmö to explain the situation in China.
Kang (left) and Alejandro (right), high school students in Malmö
Another teacher brought several of her classes to the exhibition. She was extremely touched by the artworks and invited practitioners to her school to teach the exercises and how to fold paper lotus flowers.
Two of her students expressed their support for practitioners in China.
Alejandro said, “Thank you very much for showing us the truth of what is happening, and telling us that people there need help. They should know that they are not alone, and that they are courageous, wonderful, and amazing.”
Kang said, “The artists have created beautiful artworks with a lot of meaning showing the evil. The world is both beautiful and evil.”
Exhibition Warmly Received by the Community
Many people left comments in the guest book. Victoria wrote, “Thank you for giving us insight about what is really going on.”
Another visitor wrote, “It is really terrible and scary what is happening in the world and especially in China these days. I liked many of the paintings. They are filled with hope, light, and innocence, which are in the end beating the evil and the darkness. I sincerely hope for better days for the Chinese people.”
Lotus flowers made by the high school pupils during a workshop in their school
A few weeks later, the exhibition organizers were invited to one of the schools whose students visited the exhibition. Students in three classes learned the Falun Dafa exercises and how to fold origami lotus flowers.
Because the exhibition was so popular, the main organizers have already agreed to hold another exhibition next year.
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Category: Art & Photo Exhibits