(Minghui.org) Ms. Yang Hua and Ms. Wu Yali from Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, were sentenced to five years in prison in early October 2018 for talking to people about Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the communist regime since 1999. Both women have begun to serve time at Shaanxi Women's Prison since December 6, 2018.
Ms. Yang's latest sentencing came less than three years after she served nine years in prison. Prior to her first imprisonment, she had also served two years in a labor camp for not giving up her faith that she credited for curing her rheumatoid heart disease that had left her incapacitated.
When Ms. Yang was first arrested in 2003 for her faith, her daughter was only 13 and the teenager wasn't allowed to register for school until one month into the new school year.
Below is a letter that was written by Ms. Yang's daughter, recounting the ordeal of her family in the past two decades and calling for her mother's release.
“Since I could remember things, my mom had always suffered from poor health. She often visited the hospital and took a handful of pills each day. As I grew up, mom's health declined. She was unable to move her upper body and became bedridden.
“I always worried about losing mom when I saw other children playing with their parents. I always prayed for some doctor to save her and I would then become the happiest person in the world. Mom's love is my entire world.
“In July 1998, a friend of mom introduced Falun Gong to her. In less than six months, a miracle happened! Mom was able to move, and her bluish face that was caused by her heart problem became rosy and shining. Her life was revived! Our family finally had hope again.
“One year later, Mom completely recovered. She was changed into a new person, from inside out. Her bad temper was gone. She no longer fought with dad. She was always smiling.
“Mom often taught me the principles she learned from Falun Gong. When other kids bullied or took advantage of me, she asked me to not hold a grudge or become angry, but to forgive them. I would be friends with them and play with them again shortly afterward.
“That time was the happiest in my life!
“But on July 20, 1999, the government began to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. We saw constantly on TV news slandering Falun Gong. I was shocked. What happened? Why would those people tell lies? If Falun Gong isn't good, then what does it say to my mom's changes?
“Four years later, in the summer of 2003 when I was 13 years old, mom was given one year of forced labor for telling people about her story and that Falun Gong was nothing like what was said on TV.
“Teachers at school didn't allow me to enroll in classes because of that. I was very scared, fearing that my friends would find out my mom was arrested for practicing Falun Gong.
“One month after school started, I was allowed to go back, but I already missed many classes.
“During the days when mom wasn't home, I always worried about her being tortured in the labor camp. The pressure from society, school and our family was dragging me down. I began to fail in my classes. In the end, I was forced to quit school.
“Later I learned that mom almost died after being beaten by 18 people at the detention center.
“On January 18, 2004, mom was released on the verge of death. The labor camp extorted more than 1,000 yuan from us.
“Our peaceful life didn't last very long after her release. Four years later, mom was arrested on May 9, 2008. The police covered her head with a black bag and took away all valuable things from our home, leaving not even a penny.
“For a few months, we had no information about her.
“To look for mom, I waited outside the police station and begged the officers to tell me where she was. They told me that she was at Hantai Detention Center. With no other help, I asked strangers on the street for directions. When I finally found my way to the detention center, I was blocked outside and told 'absolutely no' for me to meet with her.
“Fear and the sense of helpless engulfed me. I couldn't sleep at night, worrying that mom was tortured again by bad people.
“When I finally got updates about her, it was the news that she was sentenced to nine years in prison. My heart was broken. I didn't know how I could carry on. I wasn't sure if I would see her again. I often cried secretly when I missed her.
“Whenever I cried, I had to hide it from my dad, as I didn't want him to feel my sorrow. Every major holiday for family reunions became the most difficult time for us.
“On the other hand, thanks to the principles of Falun Gong mom taught me, I was able to withstand the bad influence from society during the years she wasn't by my side.
“I really admire those Falun Gong practitioners who stand up for their faith and defy the tyranny. They didn't do anything wrong. All they want to do is to tell the truth for the benefit of others.
“Less than three years after mom returned home from nine years of imprisonment, she was arrested and sentenced again for talking to people about her faith.
“Now she has been taken to the prison to serve time, and we have yet to receive the official documents from the authorities.
“During her nine years' long imprisonment, Mom was constantly beaten and tortured for not giving up her faith. I don't know what kind of tortures she will suffer this time.
“This persecution took my mom away when I needed her the most. There are many, many other kids in China growing up like this, torn apart from their parents because of their faith.
“I hope this persecution can end soon. I hope no other innocent kid has to suffer the same torment as me. I hope they can all enjoy the love of their parents and have a happy and carefree childhood.”
Related report:
Two Shaanxi Women Sentenced to Five Years for Their Faith after Secret Trial
Two Shaanxi Women Tried Without Knowledge of Family or Lawyer
Once Imprisoned for 5 Years, Woman Arrested Again for Her Faith
Hanzhong City Court Refuses to Provide Verdict Documentation, Fearing Exposure On the Internet
Related article in Chinese:
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