(Minghui.org) Many cities across the United States have parades to celebrate Independence Day, and Falun Gong practitioners are often invited to participate. Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Columbus, Ohio, are two examples.
Parade in Ann Arbor, Michigan
The Falun Dafa Association in Michigan was again invited to participate in the Independence Day parade in Ann Arbor. The Falun Gong procession included a Tang drum team, a float, and an exercise demonstration. Many spectators praised the practitioners' procession and applauded with enthusiasm as they passed by.
Falun Gong practitioners participate in the Independence Day parade in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Thursday, July 4, 2019.
The Falun Gong float and exercise demonstration in the Independence Day parade in Ann Arbor
Spectators wave to the practitioners.
A practitioner distributes a flyer to a passerby before the parade.
Lucy, who is originally from China, has been in America for more than 20 years. As she and her daughter Jade watched the parade, she said she had seen Falun Gong on television. “The Falun Gong float is great,” she said. “I really like it.”
Her daughter Jade is a high school student. Jade was happy to see several of her friends in the parade. “The Falun Gong float and the fairy lady on it are beautiful,” she said. “I like them very much. I also like the words Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance on the banners. I think they are great.”
Jade, a high school student, at the Independence Day parade in Ann Arbor
Jessica Buna is from Saline, a town south of Ann Arbor. She works at the University of Michigan. This was the second time she had seen Falun Gong in a parade and she appreciated the practitioners' efforts. “I saw them in the parade last year and really liked them. I see they are here again this year. They have a beautiful float. Such nice colors,” she said.
Jessica said she liked the procession’s theme of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, because it is such a great message.
Jessica Buna from Saline, Michigan
Beth Patton said she enjoyed the Falun Gong procession. “They are great. Their drum performance was powerful,” she said.
She also saw the exercise demonstration on the float. “I especially like their theme of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Fake news is so prevalent now, so truth is important. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance will benefit individuals, the community, and the whole country.
“We all need to learn Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I hope to see the Falun Gong procession in the parade next year,” Beth said.
Carena Townsend is the general director of the Ann Arbor parade and the president of the Ann Arbor Jaycees. “Twenty-nine years ago, the City of Ann Arbor asked the Ann Arbor Jaycees to take care of the parade. We were very excited,” she said.
“This is our 29th year. We invited different groups to participate. This parade is really great and represents the entire Ann Arbor community celebrating Independence Day together.”
General director of the parade Carena Townsend
Carena said she remembered the Falun Dafa procession from last year, “They had a float and fairy ladies last year. They were beautiful. I remember vividly how colorful they were. We appreciate their participation in this parade.”
Falun Gong Welcomed in the Parade in Columbus, Ohio
Falun Gong practitioners participated in the Independence Day parade in Columbus, Ohio, on the evening of Wednesday, July 3, 2019. This was the 19th year practitioners have participated in this parade to bring their message of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to the people of Ohio.
Falun Gong practitioners participate in the Independence Day parade in Columbus, Ohio, on July 3.
It was drizzling as spectators lined up for the evening parade, but that did not dampen their enthusiasm.
Distributing Falun Gong flyers
The Falun Gong procession included a float and a waist drum team. Two practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises on the float.
As the Falun Gong procession passed by, spectators accepted flyers from practitioners. Many spectators waved enthusiastically and applauded. Some spectators sought out practitioners after the parade and said they liked the waist drum performance.
Related article in Chinese: Columbus, Ohio.
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