(Minghui.org) I live in the countryside and am illiterate. I had issues with stomachaches, lower back pain, and cramps before I started to practice Falun Dafa. After I took it up, all my health problems went away.
How I Learned Falun Dafa
I worked as a nanny in the city for many years. In 2010, the lady of the house where I worked practiced Dafa.
She gave me a Dafa pendant and taught me to read the Chinese characters, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”
Because I couldn’t read and had to take care of her child, this woman played the audiotapes of Master Li Hongzhi's lectures for me. I thought it was very good because he was telling us how to be good.
I asked the woman to teach me the exercises. She also taught me to read Lunyu. She would read one sentence, and I followed along. It was amazing—I memorized Lunyu in four days.
I also started to go with her when she went out and told people the facts about Falun Dafa. I started to talk to people by following her example. Many people we spoke to were willing to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.
Sometimes, when the person did not want to quit after she spoke to them, I would follow up, and they would listen to me and quit the CCP.
I also learned to sing songs written by fellow practitioners. Sometimes I sang the song “Ode to Master's Grace.” Whenever I sang, the person would accept the truth of Falun Dafa and realize that the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution was wrong. The person would then want to quit the CCP. I now sing the song almost every day.
At that time, the child I cared for weighed 40 pounds, but I carried him as I did the housework and cooking.
I also went out to tell people the facts about the Dafa and the persecution. I felt I was full of energy, and all my ailments were gone.
My Employer Told Me to Ask Her If I Didn’t Know a Word
I later went to work for another family to take care of their one-year-old. When they asked me how much I wanted them to pay me, I said they could pay me as much as they thought I was worth. The woman worked at a bank and her husband was a police officer.
Usually, a nanny takes care of the child or does the housework, but not both. I just picked the boy up and started to wash the dishes and clean the floor.
They were delighted and said they had never seen such a diligent helper. They bought me clothes and gave me bonuses to thank me, but I refused to take the extra money.
At that time, I recited poems in Hong Yin when I took care of the child. One day, after I said the first sentence of a poem, the little boy said the next one.
The mother was very surprised and wanted me to recite another poem. I agreed and recited the first sentence. The little boy then recited the next sentence. The mother picked up her child and said, “My son is a genius!”
She told me I could ask her if I did not know any word. After that, this family was not against me telling people the facts of Falun Dafa. They just asked me to be careful.
At that time, I didn’t know how to read Zhuan Falun and did not often send forth righteous thoughts.
One time I went with the family to eat out. Because it was early, I went to talk to people about Dafa while carrying the child. I was reported, and a police officer took us to the police station. I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to help me. By the time we got to the station, the little boy was crying.
When they asked me my name, I told them I was a nanny and that the child’s father was a police officer. The father soon came and told the police to let me go. They had to let me go, even though they did not want to.
Later, I went back to my first family to work. She taught me to read Zhuan Falun.
Since I was often swamped with work, I went to bed at midnight and got up at 3:00 a.m. to do the exercises.
Then I started to send forth righteous thoughts and recite Master Li's poems. I only had one hour to go out to talk to people about the persecution.
By studying the Fa teachings, I realized I needed to look inward and cultivate. When the daughter of my employer said I was wrong, I would quickly admit it and apologize. I was so happy to learn how to be tolerant!
Getting Rid of Messages That Defamed Falun Dafa
When I was working as a nanny, I often took walks with the baby, and whenever I saw a slogan defaming Dafa, I would get rid of it without hesitation.
One day, I learned there was a message defaming Dafa on the social security bureau bulletin board. Other practitioners did not dare go clean it up. I thought I could not allow it to poison people’s thinking, so I painted over the words in the daytime.
The message later appeared again. I asked Master to protect me so the surveillance cameras and people could not see me and used a knife to cut out the board.
Another time I went to a banquet in a hotel and saw a slanderous poster in front of the hotel. I was very upset. I painted over it at night.
There was a banner defaming Dafa in a busy square. I used a bamboo pole with a sickle tied to the top of it and cut it off while people came and went.
I often put up “Falun Dafa Is Good” posters while carrying the baby. I asked Master to give me directions and posted them everywhere I went.
I returned to my hometown for the Chinese New Year. Many people went to the temple at that time, so I decided to go there to tell people the truth. When I told one woman about the beauty of Falun Dafa, she didn’t agree and said there was a notice posted nearby that said Dafa was not good. I found the notice and tore it down without much thought. Many people were around, but no one noticed me.
Reciting Master’s Poems and Singing Dafa Songs When Talking to People
When I was working in the city, I often carried the child I was tending when I went out to talk to people. I talked to gardeners and people waiting at bus stations. I recited Master's poems and sang songs composed by Dafa practitioners. They were delighted to listen.
Once when I was talking to a person in front of a big supermarket, a bystander started to report me. I then recited:
“Five thousand years of the grand drama,The main stage has been China, the Central Plains.Each and every lifetime, reincarnating,The roles we play—some bitter, some sweet.Often I ask why the moon turns full,And how far life’s journey will be.I ask where I came from,And why the secular world is so perilous.Heaven and earth were created by the Fa (Way)We’ve been coming to this world to bond [with Him]We’ve been reincarnating, awaiting the Fa,And decreasing our karma through hardships.At the Kalpa’s end, the Divine shall come,Saving us and undoing our entanglements.Each and every lifetime was for this wish,We’ve suffered for thousands of years.The chance can’t be treated lightly,Seized or missed—in the twinkling of an eye. (“A Chance in The Twinkling of An Eye,” Hong Yin III)
That person slunk away.
My Husband Helps Me Improve
Last year, I went back to my hometown in the country. Because I worked in the city all year round, I did not know how to take care of my family's fruit trees.
My husband cursed me and beat me because of this. One morning, I recited Master's poem:
“As a cultivatorOne always looks for one’s own faults’Tis the Way to get rid of attachments most effectivelyThere’s no way to skip ordeals, big or small[During a conflict, if you can remember:]“He’s right,And I’m wrong,”What’s to dispute?”(“Who’s Right, Who’s Wrong,” Hong Yin III)
I realized I had too many ordinary notions. After that, I stop arguing with my husband.
He sometimes went to cut bamboo and picked up a branch and hit my feet until they turned blue. My neighbor saw my feet and asked me why I didn’t fight back.
I said that Master told us:
“… you did not fight back when hit or talk back when cursed at.” (Fa-Teaching Given at the Conference in Sydney)
I told them I wanted to cultivate tolerance and improve my character. Then I recited one of Master's poems to her:
“The Falun turns againMountains ’n rivers changedHeaven and earth purifiedPeople regain kind thoughtsTraditions are revivedAll truth about the cosmos is revealedThe Buddhas, Daos, and Deities among the crowdEradicate wicked thoughts to rectify people’s mindsAll to fulfill my grand wish”(“Turning Again,” Hong Yin III)
She understood and told my husband that Falun Dafa is good. She also advised him not to hit me, saying that I was cultivating the righteous Way.
Once my husband wanted to curse me, so I recited Master’s poem below, and he thought better of it.
“The Great Law looks at a person’s heartThe world’s people would do well to rouseDivinity, human, ghost, animal, disintegration—The position is decided by oneself”(“Untitled,” Hong Yin Vol. II, Translation Version A)
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