(Minghui.org) January 1 (of the lunar calendar) during the 1998 Chinese New Year holiday was the happiest and most memorable day of my life because that is when I started to practice Falun Dafa! My life changed dramatically.
It was the New Year holiday, and my husband, my daughter, and I went to my mother-in-law's home. On the first morning of the New Year, many people visited us. My husband's third brother played Master Li Hongzhi's audio teaching. I was drawn to it as soon as I heard it and asked him, “What is this? How does this teacher know everything: astronomy, geography, biology, flora, and fauna?” He said, “Keep listening.”
I listened to them for the entire day. I didn't pay attention to who came to greet us for the New Year, and they didn't seem to notice me, either. After listening, I finally understood what it was. I shouted, “Ah! Isn't this to cultivate Buddhahood? This is the real Buddha who's come to the world.” I thought to myself, “I want to cultivate; I must cultivate to become a Buddha!”
I couldn't wait to return home. One of my neighbors who practiced Falun Dafa had talked to me about it before, but I had thought it was just an ordinary qigong and didn't take it seriously. On the fourth day, I told my husband, “Let's go home today to learn Falun Dafa.”
Master Purified My Body
Back home, I felt sleepy. I slept for two days and nights without eating or drinking. On the third day morning, I got up and felt really light. It seemed I had changed. I could easily climb up to the fifth floor, and my mood was particularly good. There were no words to describe what I felt.
That day, I went upstairs to see my neighbor who practiced Falun Dafa, and we went to the coordinator's home, where they happened to be playing Master's Guangzhou video lectures. As soon as I sat down and listened, my stomach started to hurt. I couldn't stand the pain, so I lay on a bed to watch. I sat up, only to lay down again the next moment when the pain returned.
At the end of the lecture I didn't remember what the lecture was about, but I felt good, and my stomach didn't hurt anymore. After that, my stomach problem that had plagued me for many years disappeared and never occurred again.
The next morning I went to the exercise site and started to vomit. The coordinator said, “Master is purifying your body.” I thought, “I don't know what that means, but I am here to cultivate Buddhahood.” At that time, I didn't understand Dafa, I just wanted to cultivate Buddhahood. In less than a month of practice, all my illness symptoms, such as bronchitis, heart disease, high blood pressure, and so on, were gone!
Later, after I read Zhuan Falun, I realized that it really was Master who purified my body. Master said: "...you cannot practice cultivation with an ill body. I will purify your body.." (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun) I knew that Master had purified my body in order for me to be able to cultivate Dafa. Thank you, Master!
Master Watches Over and Protects Practitioners
After I lost my job, I rented a room in the city to make clothes. In the winter, I had to split wood for the wood stove. I cut my hand once and shouted, “Master!” The bleeding stopped immediately. I continued splitting wood and got a fire going in the stove. Then I washed my hands with water and started to make clothes. When I got off work at night, my hand was fine. It was as if nothing had happened – there wasn't even a scar.
When I worked in a hotel, I accidentally fell while I was washing dishes. The broken tiles on the floor pierced my hip. Several young employees wanted to take me to the hospital. I didn't go. I said in my heart: “Master, I don't want to go to the hospital.” Someone brought me a roll of transparent tape. So I asked her to rinse the tape with water and tape my wound. I went home by bike after work as usual. The next morning the wound was healed, and there was no scar.
When I was detained in a forced labor camp in 2002, two guards shocked me with an electric baton. I had never seen an electric baton. I didn't know what it was. I saw sparks when the baton touched my feet, but I didn't feel anything. It didn't hurt. I asked them what they were doing. They saw that I didn't feel any pain, so they stopped using the baton. Later, I learned during a Fa study that Master had endured it for me.
The city's Falun Dafa material production site was destroyed in September 2003 and we could not get Teacher's new lectures or truth-clarification materials. I thought about making materials myself. My daughter and I bought the necessary equipment.
The first time I made truth-clarification materials, I had an unforgettable experience. I went to the city to buy printer paper. When I left home, the sky was cloudless. But by the time I came out of a store, there was a light rain. The bus was delayed because of the rain. I held two packs of paper in my arms as I waited for a bus. A girl around 20 years old got off a bus about 20 minutes later, walked straight toward me, stood beside me, and held an umbrella over me. She asked me, “Aren't you getting wet?” I said, “I’m okay.” She waited with me for nearly an hour. During that time, I told her the truth about Dafa, and gave her a Dafa amulet. She held it in her hand and said nothing.
I didn't think too much about it at the time, but I realized how strange it was after I got home. I realized that it was Master who was always watching over and protecting disciples, and it made me cry. I knew that I had to make this production site work. Protected by Master, it grew larger and larger.
Inmates Practice Dafa after Understanding the Truth
I was detained in a detention center in 2008. A girl named Xiaojuan started practicing Dafa there. There was no hot water, so I sometimes took a cold shower. It was very cold in the winter. When she saw me showering, she wanted to take a cold shower, too. I asked her not to, because she usually got a cold after washing her hair. She said, “If you can take a cold shower at your age, so can I. I am also a Dafa disciple.” And she did. Not only did she not catch a cold, she also recovered from an ailment she’d had for 27 years. The headaches she’d had since childhood were gone, too. She said, “This Dafa is so amazing. I must practice it well.”
I was taken to a prison in 2009. One of the two girls who eventually began to practice Falun Dafa was called Xiaohui. She had hyperthyroidism, and the prison personnel did not care about her health. Xiaohui cheated others out of their food and drink and was not eligible for a commutation. She had completely given up on herself. On my second day there I was assigned to share the cell with her, and we worked in the same group. She was supposed to monitor me.
The two of us got along very well. When she asked me about Falun Gong, I told her some of Master's Fa and taught her to recite Hong Yin. She understood a lot of the Fa principles, and she eventually became a very good person. She passed many xinxing tests, recovered from her hyperthyroidism, and her sentence was reduced to two years.
Master takes care of every life. As long as one cultivates, Master purifies one's body and helps one to improve one's xinxing.
My Family Benefited from Dafa
Under Master's shining Buddha light and compassionate protection, my family of three has never been to a hospital, and we have not taken any kind of medicine since I began to practice Dafa in 1998. My husband suffered from lower back pain and a skin disease when he was in the military. When I was persecuted and imprisoned, my husband also started to cultivate. My daughter had sinusitis since childhood. She had to go to a hospital for a shot once or twice a month. Every year it cost several thousand yuan for her medication. She recovered from her sinusitis after I started to practice Dafa.
After my 80-year-old elder sister began to practice, she recovered from her heart disease, high blood pressure, lumbar disc herniation, and pleurisy. Her son is ill, and her daughter-in-law runs a business. My sister helped them buy groceries, cook meals, and do the laundry. She is always cheerful. Sometimes when I called her, she simply said, “I have Master; I'm fine.”
My nephew and his wife had been married for six or seven years but still had no children. Medical exams showed that they both had health problems, and they were told they wouldn't be able to have a child. After they decided to practice Dafa, his wife gave birth to a healthy son.
Looking back on my 22 years of cultivation, Master gave me so much. I recognized Master's great compassion for his disciples. It's all Master's compassion and salvation that brought me to where I am now.
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