(Minghui.org) World Falun Dafa Day and Master Li Hongzhi’s birthday fall on May 13. On this special occasion, Falun Dafa practitioners and supporters from around the world are sending their heartfelt wishes to Master to wish him a happy birthday.
This article is a collection of greetings from supporters of Falun Dafa. Although many of them don’t practice, they identify with Dafa’s principles and often recite the auspicious phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”
Many of them recounted the blessings they’ve received from supporting Dafa, from improvements in their health to a boom in their businesses, from happy family relationships to a new, elevated understanding of life.
A supporter in a family of more than 10 people wrote: “My mother got sick in April. Modern medicine didn’t help. When Mother was near death, a relative who practices Falun Dafa played us the song ‘Helping You Through Catastrophe.’ The lyrics say, ‘Falun Dafa is great! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is great!’ She asked my mom to sing it aloud with the playback. Mom did. A miracle happened right in front of our eyes. Even though Mom had difficulty breathing, she was able to sing it loudly. She recovered after that! It was amazing! Hearing about what happened to Mom, everyone in my family now believes in the power of Dafa. All of us decided to quit the communist organizations. We wish great Master Li a Happy Birthday and offer our congratulations on World Falun Dafa Day!”
A young woman named Xiaohui had terrible pain on her stomach on April 25, 2020. She could hardly move or talk, but no one else was home. She remembered what a Falun Dafa practitioner had told her and started repeating, “Falun Dafa is great! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is great!” The pain completely disappeared in half an hour. She was filled with gratitude for Master!
More greetings have been received from supporters of Dafa in the following regions:
Dalian, Liaoning ProvinceSuning County, Hebei ProvinceShanwei, Guangdong ProvinceHuailai County, Hebei Province Jiaohe, Jilin ProvinceBeijingWuhan, Hubei ProvinceHarbin, Heilongjiang ProvinceQingdao, Shandong ProvinceBenxi, Liaoning ProvinceDezhou, Shandong ProvinceShijiazhuang, Hebei Province
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Category: Greetings