(Minghui.org) May 13 is the 28th anniversary of the public introduction of Falun Dafa and the 21st World Falun Dafa Day. Elected officials including a federal member of parliament (MP), a member of the provincial parliament (MPP), mayors, and city council members issue proclamations and letters to commend Falun Dafa’s contribution to the world.
By May 14, over 90 officials had issued proclamations or letters, more than in previous years. Facing the COVID-19, they said that Canada needs courage and to work together. They thanked practitioners for their outreach efforts in their communities.
From left to right on the first row: MP David Sweet, MP Hon. Candice Bergen, MP Michael Barrett, MP Scott Reid and Mayor Brian Bowman of WinnipegFrom left to right on the second row: MPP Sheref Sabawy, MPP Hon. Peter Bethlenfalvy, MPP Stephen Crawford of Oakville, Deputy Mayor Joe DiPaola of Richmond Hill, and MPP France GélinasFrom left to right on the third row: MPP Lindsey Park of Durham, City Councilor Tom Muench of Richmond Hill, City Councilor James Pasternak of Toronto, City Councilor Arielle Kayabaga of London, and Mayor Darren Ellis of George Brook-Milton.
MP: One Day the Persecution Will End
“As the Shadow Minister for International Human Rights and Religious Freedom, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate the Falun Dafa Association of Canada on the occasion of Falun Dafa Day 2020,” MP David Sweet stated in his letter.
“This is the 28th anniversary of Falun Dafa Day and this year is more significant than ever. That’s because in a world changed by COVID-19, we are more mindful of those in China who have been persecuted for decades by the Communist Regime for speaking out for transparency and freedom and against persecution.”
“As a Member of the House of Commons Sub-Committee on International Human Rights, I have heard from and spoken to witnesses about cases of torture and abuse towards Falun Dafa practitioners in China. We remain vigilant that one day this will no longer be the case.”
Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Is Important
“Falun Dafa values truthfulness, harmony, compassion and tolerance,” MP Hon. Candice Bergen stated in her letter. “These values enrich our world, especially during these unprecedented times.”
“While celebrations to mark this occasion will be different this year, I know that Falun Dafa’s importance and value will certainly be highlighted and celebrated.”
Letter from MP Hon. Candice Bergen, Conservative House Leader
“The enduring teaching of Falun Dafa, those of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance promote values that are closely related to our Canadian identity,” MP Michael Barrett stated in his letter.
“During these trying times of global uncertainty, Canadians can look to those very tenets as we gaze ahead to the reopening of our communities. I want to express my most sincere best wishes for Falun Dafa Day and all the best going forward.”
Letter from MP Michael Barrett of Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes
Promoting Harmony and Health in Society
“The Falun Dafa Association of Winnipeg has made positive contributions to our diverse city,” Mayor Brian Bowman of Winnipeg stated in his letter. “In this time of global uncertainty and physical distancing, I’m sure that your members are finding tremendous comfort in the study, gentle exercises, and meditation that are the foundation of your practice.
“For the millions of Falun Dafa followers across the world, and for the many practitioners here in Winnipeg, I hope that this is a truly joyful anniversary and a timely opportunity to recommit to your goal of promoting harmony and health in society.”
Letter from Mayor Brian Bowman of the City of Winnipeg
Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Are Values Everyone Should Follow
“Your universal principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance are valuable contributions to our communities, and is a great example of morality around the world,” MPP Sheref Sabawy stated in his letter.
“I commemorate you in sharing your message with Canadians and congratulate you for thriving over the last 28 years of celebration.”
Letter from MPP Sheref Sabawy of Mississauga-Erin Mills
“I join with your family, friends, and colleagues in wishing you much joy celebrating,” MPP Hon. Peter Bethlenfalvy stated in his letter. “I commend you for all you have done to promote the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”
Letter from MPP Hon. Peter Bethlenfalvy
Letter from MPP Stephen Crawford of Oakville
Letter from Deputy Mayor Joe DiPaola of the City of Richmond Hill
Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance Are Universal Principles
“On May 13th people around the world will celebrate the universal principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance which Falun Dafa promotes,” MPP France Gélinas stated in her letter.
“As the health critic for my party, the NDP, I know the benefits of feeling part of a community. Thank you Falun Dafa for bringing together people in my community. Thank you for your work in promoting exercises and meditation to my constituents; a healthy community is a happy community.”
Letter from MPP France Gélinas
Email from MPP Lindsey Park of Durham
Letter from Tom Muench, Richmong Hill Ward 2 Councilor
Letter from James Pasternak, Toronto City Councilor
Letter from Arielle Kayabaga, Councilor, Ward 13, City of London
Letter from Mayor Darren Ellis of Town of Geogre’s Brook-Milton in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador
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Category: Dafa Day Recognition