(Minghui.org) With strong faith in Master and Dafa, there is no hardship that cannot be conquered. I want to share two of my personal encounters with Dafa’s power.
Recovery from Fractures
To avoid arrest, I left home after the Chinese communist government began its brutal persecution against Falun Gong in 1999. I became homeless.
For producing Falun Gong related brochures, I was arrested on June 4, 2004. At the police station, I resisted and jumped down from the second floor window. My spine and bones in both of my feet were fractured.
I wasn’t transferred to a detention Center. I could not sit or stand. I was in critical condition.
I went on a hunger strike, and was interrogated twice during the next seven days. Both times I was cursed at and beaten. Police slapped my face with rolled up magazines. I put my faith in Master and Dafa, refused to cooperate and did not care about life and death.
A week later, I had a dream in the morning. In my dream, the ground was covered by colorful flowers. I had never seen flowers as pretty as those. Carried by something like a boat, I flowed down from the mountain to the ground.
I was released soon after I woke from the dream.
At home, I kept up with Fa study and doing the exercises. I could not stand or sit, so I did the exercises while laying in bed. I did not take any medication or go to the hospital. My strength came back quickly. A month later, I could walk while holding on to the wall. I leaned my back to the wall and did the exercises. Soon I was able to meditate in a crossed legged position.
Because of my strong faith in Master and the Fa, six months later, I recovered completely. I could ride a bicycle again and rejoined the effort of awakening the conscience of sentient beings. I want to thank Master for his great compassion!
Recovery from Physical Discomfort
I got into a conflict with another practitioner in 2016. The state of my xinxing soon reflected onto the surface. My eyes, eyebrows and mouth became misaligned. My eyelashes turned inside and poked into my eyeballs, I could not keep my eyes open. Taking a sip of water was impossible. I felt dizzy and could not walk straight. My head hurt so badly that I could not sleep.
Upon looking within, I found attachments to fear and competitiveness that made me lose my temper at that practitioner. This tribulation was a lesson to me. I saw my mistake. I kept on doing the three things and with strong faith in Master and the Fa, I completely recovered after a month.
I want to thank Master for his protection. I also want to thank other practitioners for helping me. By doing the three things well, I hope I can share some of Master’s burden and show my gratitude.
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Category: Improving Oneself