Image for article Once Imprisoned for Three Years, Liaoning Woman Again Faces Indictment for Her Faith

After being sentenced to a three-year prison term in 2015, a Shenyang City resident was again detained in December 2020 for her faith in Falun Gong, and is now facing indictment.

Image for article Catholic Priest in New Zealand: “The CCP Is Against Humanity and God. It Will Meet Its Doom”

“The CCP organ harvesting in China is horrifying. I hope the New Zealand Government can do more to help you and stop the regime from violating human rights," commented someone at one of the many activities hosted by Falun Gong practitioners over the recent national holiday.

Image for article Changing Bad Things Into Good Things

A practitioner shares several examples of how following the principles and requirements of Falun Dafa with righteous thoughts and actions can help change “bad things into good things.”

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