(Minghui.org) The year 2020 was quite eventful, from the coronavirus pandemic to the U.S. general election. Some of the events took place during the time that our planet barely missed asteroid strikes. The year was so unique that even satellite images of Earth were different than usual.
Asteroid BH6: Near Miss with Earth
According to News Nation, an asteroid (space rock) called 2020 BH6 almost collided with the earth on January 25, 2020.
Asteroid 2020 BH6 barely missed Earth (photo credit: Pixabay.com)
This asteroid is 42 feet in diameter and traveled at a speed of 22,800 mph. Its closest distance to Earth was only 37,200 miles (or 0.18 times the distance between the moon and the earth). The asteroid was almost missed by NASA’s radar, and it was not discovered until less than 24 hours before the flyby near the earth.
With the averted danger of the asteroid collision taking place in the sky, another real danger was also threatening people on the ground. Two days before, the city of Wuhan in China was locked down after the coronavirus broke out there in December 2019. Before the lockdown, 5 million people managed to flee the city. One year later, the pandemic has infected over 115 million people, with a death toll of more than 2.5 million.
Although Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have claimed that only about 4,600 people have died throughout China, witnesses reveal a different story. Liu Jiaxin, a resident of Wuhan who experienced a 76-day lockdown, came to the U.S. in September 2020 and said that what the CCP said was unreliable. According to his friend who worked at a crematorium in Wuhan, “at the peak of the pandemic, at least 5,000 people died in Wuhan every day.”
Regarding the makeshift square cabin (fangcang) hospital, Liu said it was also just a government act to pacify the population. “The fangcang hospital did not provide any treatment. It was constructed after all medical resources were depleted. It was nothing but a house built on flat land. All the patients or suspected patients were dragged in, resulting in a lot of humanitarian disasters,” he explained.
Scientists discovered that asteroid BH6 circles the sun once every 2.4 years. It had visited the earth previously in 2002 and 2015, which implies that the danger of its hitting Earth has always been there and mankind could be at risk again.
More Mysteries
BH6 is not the only asteroid that could cause major damage due to its proximity to the earth. In December 2019, for example, 2019 WB7 also came dangerously close to Earth. With a size of 105 feet to 236 feet, the space rock circulates the sun once every 264 days.
Scientists found that if asteroids 2020 BH6 or 2019 WB7 were to hit the earth, they could bring tsunamis, shock waves, and flattening winds of up to 1,000 mph. All lives on Earth could end and even the planet itself could be destroyed.
Astronomers who study space with telescopes have discovered phenomena that cause puzzlement. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, for example, identified a type of young exoplanet that has the density of cotton candy. Although having the size of Jupiter, their mass is about 100 times smaller.
The exoplanets' low mass and high volume suggests that they have been expanding. Their outer atmosphere is composed of hydrogen and helium. If there were a super slow motion film of them expanding, one probably would see scenes similar to the rapid expansion of the hydrogen-oxygen mixture before an explosion. But scientists haven't been able to explain what caused the violent expansion of the exoplanets' atmosphere.
Images of the Earth
The images of Earth taken from the space since 1999 have been atypical.
A picture of Earth from NASA in 1999
One picture from 1999 shows the image of a demon. Then U.S. President requested copies of the image be immediately forwarded to some of the most influential religious figures in the world.
“NASA calls the image a coincidence – but I call it the Devil,” remarked astronomer Richard Gordlum on the picture from 1999. “You might see an elephant in the clouds and call it ‘a coincidence.’ You might see a rabbit and call it ‘a coincidence.’ But you don’t see a 12,000-mile-long image of satanic evil covering half of the planet and call it a coincidence.”
Some believe that this picture of Earth taken in 2000 looks like a deformed face.
Some believe this picture of Earth taken in 2020 shows a pair of eyes that appear sad and desperate.
Related Article in Chinese:美卫星图片-覆盖半个地球的撒旦面孔
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