(Minghui.org) On the morning of April 10, 2021, Falun Dafa practitioners in San Francisco held a rally outside the Chinese consulate to peacefully protest the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s hiring vandals to sabotage Falun Dafa information booths in Hong Kong. They also called on the Hong Kong government to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Practitioners put up signs outside the Chinese consulate demanding an end to the persecution of Falun Dafa in China.

Last week, seven Falun Dafa information sites in the Mong Kok, Hung Hom and Wan Chai districts in Hong Kong were vandalized. Many banners and information boards were damaged.

Practitioner Zhao Chen read a statement from the Falun Dafa Association in Hong Kong censuring the CCP for attacking Falun Dafa information booths on the island.

In response to the recent attacks, the Hong Kong Falun Dafa Association issued a statement censuring the CCP for its crimes. According to the statement, since April 2, seven sites in Hong Kong were vandalized by thugs, and several signs and display boards were destroyed. The perpetrators splashed fluids on elderly practitioners and threatened to set the displays on fire.

This string of attacks is the latest escalation in the CCP’s systematic persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in Hong Kong, as well as its suppression of Hong Kong’s freedom of speech since the National Security Act was passed in July 2020.

The Falun Dafa Association’s statement calls on governments around the world to pay attention to the attacks and urges the Hong Kong government and police to arrest the offenders and protect Hong Kong’s freedom of speech and the safety of civilians.

Refusing to Bow to the CCP

Chris Kitze, a Falun Dafa practitioner, said he hopes employees in the Chinese consulate can gain a deeper understanding of the persecution.

Chris Kitze, a Western Falun Dafa practitioner, said that just like other practitioners around the world, practitioners in Hong Kong are spreading the universal values of “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” and exposing the CCP’s persecution at the same time. He said the communist regime’s actions in Hong Kong were illegal.

Citing people’s resistance against the Nazis during World War II, Chris said Falun Dafa will not bow to the CCP’s pressure. He hopes consulate employees can learn more about the spiritual discipline and its persecution in China.

CCP Exports Persecution Abroad

Lan Shu, a commentator with Sound of Hope radio station, hopes the international community will pay attention to what happened in Hong Kong.

Mr. Lan Shu, a commentator with Sound of Hope radio station, said that in the past two decades, practitioners have continued to tell tourists from mainland China about the persecution of Falun Dafa, yet their activities were constantly sabotaged by the communist regime. He said this harassment escalated in the last few weeks as the CCP began to deploy plainclothes policemen and special agents to directly harass practitioners who raise awareness on the streets of Hong Kong.

He said, “We come here today to ask that the CCP immediately stop this harassment. Once again, we ask that the regime stop persecuting Falun Gong. We also call on the international community not to have any fantasies about the CCP [forming itself], pay attention to what’s happening in Hong Kong, and stop the regime’s persecution of Falun Gong.”

Ms. Shen, a practitioner in San Francisco, said she was shocked by the attacks in Hong Kong. She said that Falun Dafa teaches people to be a good. She hopes those who participated in the attacks will realize that good and evil have consequences.

Victor Yu, a San Francisco resident, appeals to the Hong Kong police to protect practitioners from being harassed.

Victor Yu, who lives in San Francisco, said he admires practitioners in Hong Kong for expressing their faith peacefully. He said that since the CCP passed the National Security Act, Hong Kong is no longer what it used to be. He said people now feel that their freedom of speech and human rights have been jeopardized and that many Hong Kong citizens choose to keep quiet or have decided to leave the island.

Victor said Falun Dafa practitioners’ courage has given Hongkongers tremendous confidence. “I hope practitioners in Hong Kong can continue to hold such activities. Those who vandalized the information sites were instigated by the CCP. Therefore I call on the Hong Kong police: don’t let Falun Dafa practitioners be harassed.”

Mr. Zhang, an IT engineer, said Falun Dafa practitioners are telling people how to stay safe amid disasters.

Mr. Samuel Zhang, an IT engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area, said that Falun Dafa practitioners in Hong Kong are encouraging people to do good deeds. “Now that the pandemic has spread globally, people’s lives are threatened. Falun Dafa practitioners are telling people how to stay safe in such times,” he said.

“Yet the CCP is persecuting good people like these. I’m not surprised that the CCP would do such things in Hong Kong because it has been suppressing practitioners in China for over two decades. What it did in Hong Kong is simply to extend the persecution outside China. I came here today to condemn the CCP for hiring people to sabotage information sites in Hong Kong.”

Mr. Wu, an immigrant from Hong Kong, said people should not hold any hope for the CCP.

Mr. Joel Wu, who moved to the U.S from Hong Kong in 1987, is worried about the safety of practitioners there. He said Hong Kong has changed, adding that some of the policemen there had taken part in the persecution of Uyghurs in Xinjiang and brought their experience from Xinjiang to Hong Kong.

He said people should not hold any hope that the CCP will reform itself. “We must criticize the regime for its persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners and call on the international community to pay attention to the sabotage of their information sites in Hong Kong,” he said.