Image for article An Entire Family Participates in the April 25 Appeal, a Noble Precedent

When a paralyzed woman regained the ability to walk after she started to practice Falun Dafa, her family members also started to practice. Then how could they not speak up for justice when other practitioners were unjustly arrested?

Image for article Hong Kong: Dignitaries Condemn the CCP's Persecution as Practitioners Protest Outside the Liaison Office to Commemorate the Peaceful Appeal

Although only four practitioners (in compliance with the four-person limit on public gatherings) took part in the peaceful protest, over a dozen police officers and security guards watched them closely.

Image for article Spain: At the Chinese Embassy Falun Dafa Practitioners Commemorate April 25 and Call for an End to the Persecution

Practitioners’ banners and posters reminded people of the CCP’s ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa in China that has persisted for 22 years.

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