(Minghui.org) May 13th is World Falun Dafa Day and every year government officials and dignitaries around the world issue proclamations or greetings to honor this special day. This year is the 29th anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction, and also coincides with the founder Master Li Hongzhi's, 70th birthday. State Senators and State Representatives in Michigan issued special tributes or sent greeting letters to mark the occasion.
By May 6th, the Michigan Falun Dafa Association received six special tributes and four letters from 12 state senators and representatives. They commended Falun Dafa’s positive effect and practitioners’ contribution to Michigan's communities.
From left to right in the first row: Rep. Richard Steeenland, Senator Paul Wojno, Rep. Tyrone Carter, Rep. Lori Stone, Senator Dale W. Zorn and Rep. Matt KoleszarFrom left to right in the second row: Rep. Luke Meerman, Senator Roger Victory, Rep. Joseph N. Bellino, Jr., Rep. Nate Shannon, Rep. Mark A. Tisdel, and Rep. Jewell Jones
Special tribute from Senator Paul Wojno of Michigan's 9th district
Special tribute from Rep. Richard Steeenland of the 22nd district, Rep. Lori Stone of the 28th district, and Senator Paul Wojno of the 9th district
Special tribute from Rep. Luke Meerman of the 88th district and Senator Roger Victory of the 30th district
Special tribute from Rep. Joseph N. Bellino, Jr. of the 17th district
Special tribute from Rep. Matt Koleszar of the 20th district
Special tribute from Rep. Nate Shannon of the 25th district
Greeting letter from Senator Dale W. Zorn of the 17th district
Greeting letter from Rep. Mark A. Tisdel of the 45th district
Greeting letter from Rep. Tyrone Carter of the 6th district
Greeting letter from Rep. Jewell Jones of the 11th district
Salute to the Founder of Falun Dafa
Rep. Matt Koleszar stated in his Special Tribute, “At this ceremony to celebrate its history, its achievements, and the practitioners of Falun Dafa we will honor the vision of its founder people and the hours and years of commitment and practice that have brought the movement to this point. We commend the Falun Dafa practitioners for their commitment to peace, despite their persecution.”
Rep. Tyrone Carter stated in his letter, “Each year on May 13th Falun Gong (also Falun Dafa) practitioners and supporters celebrate this day to give thanks to Mr. Li Hongzhi who began teaching Falun Gong in 1992 as well as the overall good that this practice has brought to so many lives.”
Commend the Universal Values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
Senator Paul Wojno issued his own special tribute after jointly signing one. He stated, “Falun Dafa is a peaceful spiritual practice founded on the principles of Zhen (Truthfulness), Shan (Compassion), and Ren (Forbearance). This practice transcends racial and cultural divides, and helps enrich the lives of its practitioners, both physically and mentally. This practice has helped out communities continue to strive towards the ideals of peace and tolerance that make Michigan and the world a better place for our children.”
Senator Dale W. Zorn stated in his letter, “The United States of America is built on the idea that every individual has the unequivocal right to practice and celebrate the values they hold dear in their lives.
“The core beliefs of Falun Dafa are truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. These ideals are incredibly important to the moral fabric of our nation. Falun Dafa practitioners are often incredibly dedicated public servants who devote countless hours to their neighbors for the betterment of their communities.
“Although Falun Gong has been persecuted for many years in China by the Chinese Communist Party, Falun Dafa has been able to thrive and grow in places like the United States that appreciate their beliefs and practices and recognize them and their rightful place in society.
“Therefore, it is my honor to express my support for World Falun Dafa Day on May 13, 2021.”
Support Freedom of Belief
Rep. Richard Steeenland of the 22nd district, Rep. Lori Stone of the 28th district, and Senator Paul Wojno co-signed a special tribute and expressed their support to the practitioners’ efforts against the persecution.
The special tribute reads, “It is also important that while celebrating this day, we recognize the Chinese government’s blatant campaign to prosecute and suppress members of Falun Dafa as well as other religious and ethnic minorities in China.
“As Americans, we uphold the freedom of belief and protect the human rights both at home and abroad. We stand in solidarity with the members of Falun Dafa, who have the fundamental right to live freely without the threat of violence, harm and repression for their beliefs.
“We call for the end of their prosecution and allow them to openly exercise their right to practice their beliefs free from oppression from the Chinese government.”
Rep. Mark A. Tisdel stated in his letter, “Since 1999, hundreds of Falun Gong adherents have allegedly died in custody from torture, abuse, and neglect. In 2018 the United Nations Human Rights Council recommended that China end its persecution of religious minorities, including Falun Gong practitioners.
“Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance to you in the years ahead.”
Commend Falun Gong Practitioners for Their Contribution to Michigan
Rep. Matt Koleszar stated in his special tribute, “This anniversary is a great achievement and one with which all Falun Dafa practitioners should be proud of. We are thankful to the Falun Dafa practitioners of Michigan for dedicating countless hours to their communities in organizing free meditation classes, outdoor exercises, cultural programs, and participating in many community events like parades and city fairs.”
Rep. Joseph N. Bellino, Jr. stated in his special tribute, “Since 2008, the Falun Dafa Association of Michigan has also worked tirelessly to present the Shen Yun Show every year at the Detroit Opera House, with last year’s show drawing more than 14,000 people.”
Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) was introduced to the public in 1992. Nearly 100 million people across China were soon practicing Falun Dafa after experiencing improvements in their health and character. Jiang Zemin, former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), perceived the spiritual discipline's growing popularity as a threat to the CCP's atheistic ideology and on July 20, 1999, issued an order to ban the practice.
Minghui.org has confirmed the deaths of thousands of practitioners as a result of the persecution over the past 22 years. The actual number is believed to be much higher. More have been imprisoned and tortured for their faith.
There is concrete evidence that the CCP sanctions the harvesting of organs from detained practitioners, who are murdered to supply the organ transplant industry.
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Category: Dafa Day Recognition