(Minghui.org) I knew Ms. Jia from my Fa study group. Ms. Jia was heading home on her scooter around midday on May 19, 2019, when a car hit her from behind. She was thrown into the air and landed several meters away. The scooter was wrecked and Ms. Jia was left unconscious, with her head covered in blood.

An ambulance was called, and Ms. Jia was taken to a hospital. She had hemorrhaging in the cerebral and cerebellum areas of the brain, a broken left collarbone, a fractured left shoulder, three broken ribs, and a broken bone in her leg. The attending doctor did not feel positive about her recovery.

Ms. Jia regained consciousness a few hours later, and a family member told her about the accident. Once Ms. Jia became fully awake, she started to disconnect the tubes and drips attached to her body. She wanted to go home. Her family and the hospital staff were dumbfounded. Her husband and son begged her to continue the treatments. It was a chaotic scene.

Ms. Jia said, “I'm not staying here. I’m a Falun Dafa practitioner. I have faith in Master and Dafa. I don’t need the needles and medication. I want to go home.”

Given her family’s persistence, she agreed to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation. At midnight, she asked her husband to help her sit up. She meditated for two hours. Doctors and nurses came in to check on her several times.

She refused medication and treatment the next day. She spent her time studying the Fa and doing the Falun Dafa exercises. On the third day, she requested to be discharged, and went home.

After resting for another three days at home, she was once again riding her scooter and went back to her normal life.

Since it was a traffic accident, the police department was involved in doing the follow-up work, and Ms. Jia was asked to report her injuries. She was told that if she claimed “First-degree disability” she would get at least 200,000 yuan in compensation.

Ms. Jia believes that as a cultivator, she should act based on the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She said to her husband, “We can't go for compensation.”

Her husband is not a Falun Dafa practitioner, and was not pleased with her decision. However, after witnessing his wife’s recovery, he knew that the Master of Falun Dafa had saved her life, and was grateful. In the end, he agreed with Ms. Jia’s decision not to pursue a claim for compensation.

A serious accident was resolved just like that. From the hospital staff to the police officers, everyone was surprised by how it concluded.

Friends and relatives found Ms. Jia’s recovery hard to believe. Some were curious and wanted to take a look with their own eyes. A father and son was among them.

They visited Ms. Jia. The son works at the police department, and the father is retired. The two read her accident report and hospital records. Seeing Ms. Jia standing in front of them, looking strong and healthy, the two were very happy for her.

It took ten days for Ms. Jia to fully recover. This is the power of Dafa bestowed on a Falun Dafa practitioner.