(Minghui.org) Ms. Li Shuiqing credits Falun Gong with changing her bad temper and stopping her from fighting with people over petty things, as well as with curing her enteritis, bronchitis, and severe asthma.

Due to Falun Gong’s tremendous popularity, it has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since July 1999. Ms. Li, a Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province resident, has been arrested twice for upholding her faith. She stood trial on May 26, 2021 and is now awaiting verdict.

Ms. Li Shuiqing

Ms. Li, a 72-year-old retired textile factory worker, was arrested on July 13, 2020. Although she was released on bail on August 5 due to her health condition, the police kept harassing her and threatening to take her back into custody if she refused to check in to hospital.

The Lianxi District Court held a hearing at the Yongxiu County Court on May 26. More details of her case weren’t clear at the time of writing.

Prior to her latest arrest, Ms. Li was arrested one more time on August 20, 2009 while studying Falun Gong’s teachings with other practitioners. The police ransacked the practitioners’ homes and confiscated their Falun Gong materials.

Ms. Li was detained at the Jiujiang City Detention Center for three months. She was released on November 20 after her family paid the police 4,000 yuan.