(Minghui.org) Local police and community personnel in various areas in China have recently been executing a new campaign in the persecution of Falun Dafa. They approach every Falun Dafa practitioner and attempt to make them sign a guarantee statement to renounce their faith. While practitioners have many personal stories in which they refused to renounce Dafa, many of their family members’ actions are also righteous and they too have refused to bow to the community personnel’s demands. 

Practitioner’s Son, “Don’t bother her. Look for me if you need anything!”

A local police station officer phoned a practitioner's son and said, “I’m from the police station. Where is your mother? Tell her to come to the station and sign...”

The son said, “Why are you looking for my mother? Is this about practicing Falun Dafa? Let me tell you, my mother practices Falun Dafa just for good health. Don’t bother her. Look for me if you need anything!”

The officer quickly hung up the phone and did not contact the practitioner’s family again.

Practitioner’s Family Members: “If they want to practice, let them practice!”

An elderly Falun Dafa practitioner who often went out to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa was often harassed by officers in the past. Her son is a middle-ranking official in his company. He has a gentle personality and is very filial towards his parents.

Once, a number of police officers drove to the son’s workplace and threatened him in order to make him help the police force his mother to give up her practice. Sitting in his office and facing those menacing police officers, the son quietly said, “My parents were very sick before. They recovered after practicing Falun Dafa. Why don’t you allow them to practice? If they want to practice, let them practice! If they want to say Falun Dafa is good, let them say it! Both of them are so healthy. It’s because they practice Falun Dafa.”

The officers did not say anything more and left. They no longer harassed the son’s mother after that.