(Minghui.org) With 2023 just around the corner, Falun Dafa practitioners from counties and cities in southern Taiwan gathered at ChungHwa Telecom College in Renwu District, Kaohsiung where they read the teachings of Falun Dafa and discussed their cultivation experiences. They started off both days by doing the exercises in the activity center. On the last day of the gathering they took a group photo and wished the founder of Falun Dafa, Mr. Li Hongzhi, a happy New Year and said in chorus: “Happy New Year, Master! Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” to express their highest respects and gratitude.
Falun Dafa practitioners took a group photo to wish Master Li a Happy New Year.
During the two-day event, many practitioners talked about how their mental and physical health improved after they began practicing Falun Dafa. They strive to become truly good people, and thank Master for guiding them.
Practitioners started the day by doing the exercises each day of their two-day meeting at ChungHwa Telecom College.
Reading the Falun Dafa teachings.
Master’s Boundless Grace Is Beyond Words
Ms. Wu from Kaohsiung was an attending physician at a hospital in China before she married a Taiwanese man more than 20 years ago. She said that there was a practice site in the hospital, but she was young and did not want to do any exercises.
Ms. Wu said, “I missed Dafa several times, until my entire family went to the Nine-day Falun Dafa Seminar. I was very moved. I listened to Master’s lectures, and I finally realized how profound Falun Dafa is. I then knew what cultivation is.”
Afterwards, Ms. Wu eagerly read all of Master Li’s teachings and found answers to her questions. She’d worshiped in temples and churches before, looking everywhere for the meaning of life, but she never thought that the answer was right in front of her. Ms. Wu said, “I regretted the four years I wasted. I am determined to practice Falun Dafa.”
After she began practicing, Ms. Wu learned to be tolerant when encountering conflicts. Whenever conflicts surface, she first looks inward to see if she is at fault. Her family was renovating a house recently, and hired a decorator who was not sincere and extended the time needed, taking money and not doing the agreed-upon work. They found out that the decorator had been sued in court before.
At first, Ms. Wu worried about payment issues. But she thought that as a practitioner, she should bear with it, remain calm, tolerate everything, and look inward. The situation changed and it all worked out well in the end. The decorator later started reading Zhuan Falun. Her neighbors and the decorator said, “People who practice Falun Dafa are very kind and different.”
Ms. Wu said, “I am very lucky. I have the opportunity to practice Dafa. When encountering any difficulties, I constantly use the Fa to correct myself, get rid of the desire to fight, and I strive to be compassionate. Thanks to Master’s teachings, I have found the meaning and goal of life. Master’s grace is so great that it is beyond words.”
Hope at the End of Life
Ms. Li, a retired middle school teacher, expressed her gratitude to Master. She said that being able to practice Dafa is the greatest happiness in her life and nothing can compare with it. Many years ago, due to high myopia, her intraocular pressure was high and she couldn’t sleep. After reading newspapers or other things for five minutes, her intraocular pressure would rise and she had to stop reading.
She often took traditional Chinese medicine, but it was ineffective. She often felt dizzy and could not teach normally. Because of her poor health she got angry over little things. Ms. Li felt that something was wrong all over her body. It seemed like her life was about to end, and there was no hope.
A colleague suggested she try practicing Falun Dafa. The day she practiced the exercises for the first time, Master purified her body. She said she felt like she had a bad cold, but the discomfort passed within hours. Ms. Li said that practicing Falun Dafa brought great changes to her life. With a healthy body, she had energy to take care of her students, and contributed more to her school. When a conflict happens, she looks inward first to see if she caused it. She does not blame the other person. She said her life is now filled with hope.
Diligently Cultivating
Ms. Ye started practicing because she observed the great physical and mental changes in her husband after he began practicing Falun Dafa. In 2006, her husband saw the book Zhuan Falun in a bookstore. He bought it and read it. He then started practicing Dafa. Since then, his career and life changed from bad to positive. His company’s finances gradually improved. Her husband smoked for 20 years, but was able to quit. After Ms. Ye started to practice Dafa in 2016, the diseases that plagued her for years disappeared.
Before she began practicing, Ms. Ye was anxious and was always worried that something bad would happen. In addition, long-term illness led to her physical and mental exhaustion. She said that each day at work was exhausting.
Ms. Ye said gratefully, “Master opened my wisdom and adjusted my body. Now I am confident and calm, and my heart is at peace. Not long ago, my family experienced a major change and I became a widow. But I believe that as long as I cultivate myself according to the guiding principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I will be able to pass every test and overcome every difficulty.”
She also said that through studying the Fa and carefully examining her own thoughts, she truly realized the seriousness of cultivation, and she would cultivate diligently.
Military Veteran Practices Falun Dafa
Mr. Fan, a retired lieutenant colonel who served in the navy, wished Master a happy New Year. When Mr. Fan was young, he saw how his mother benefited physically and mentally from practicing Falun Dafa, and he knew that Falun Dafa is good. When she and other practitioners went to Labor Park to promote the practice, they put up display boards with information about Dafa. After reading them, he decided to try the exercises. When he did the second exercise with the others, he felt a surge of warm energy throughout his body. That day he decided to practice Falun Dafa.
Mr. Fan said that when he read Zhuan Falun for the first time, he felt that what Master said was very righteous. He also read Master’s other lectures and realized that this was what he had been looking for all his life. “There is nothing better than this,” he said. He was deeply impressed by the principles taught by Master and worked hard to follow them in his daily life.
He also said that although his wife and children are not practitioners, they all agree with Dafa.
Mr. Fan remarked, “During this pandemic I can clearly see the difference between practitioners and non-practitioners. Family members and colleagues were very nervous and took various protection measures, but many of them were still infected. Practitioners have better physical fitness and resistance and have a positive attitude about life. I am grateful to Master for guiding me and showing me what is right and good. My entire outlook on life changed after I began practicing Falun Dafa.”
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Category: Greetings