(Minghui.org) May 13 is World Falun Dafa Day and this year is the 30th anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction. Practitioners in Indiana gathered in Holliday Park, one of the oldest parks in Indianapolis, to celebrate Falun Dafa Day.
The event began with group exercises. The beautiful music and soothing exercises attracted passers-by walking in the park to watch. Some people wanted to learn the exercises on the spot and asked about the time and location of the group practice site.
During the event, a practitioner read the proclamation from Governor Eric Holcombe of Indiana, who proclaimed May 13, 2022 Falun Dafa Day.
A practitioner reads the Governor’s proclamation.
Several practitioners shared their cultivation experiences.
88-Year-Old Practitioner Validates Dafa
Ms. Jiang, 88, is living in an apartment for the elderly. She is healthy with flexible hands and feet.
Ms. Jiang is grateful to Master Li for teaching Falun Dafa to the public.
However, many of the residents who are younger than her have difficulty moving and even need a walker or cane to walk. Many people are surprised to learn that she is 88, yet so energetic.
When they learn that she was in good health because she practices Falun Dafa, she is able to tell them about Dafa.
Practicing Falun Dafa Frees Me from Fear and Anxiety
Ms. Tian, who teaches at Indiana University, said, “I started to practice Falun Dafa at the end of 1997. At that time, I was a graduate student. Due to the extreme stress of my studies, I was so depressed that I could not study normally. My parents started practicing Falun Dafa in the spring of 1997. After learning about my situation, they sent me a videotape and the book Zhuan Falun. My father recovered from nephritis after practicing the exercises.
“Right away, I started to learn the exercises on my own following a videotape, because there were no other practitioners around at that time. I did the exercises in the dormitory alone. I also read Zhuan Falun. After two or three months, my depression improved a lot. A year later, I successfully obtained my PhD.”
Ms. Tian from Bloomington and graduate student Lilian who attends Indiana University
In the few years after Ms. Tian received her doctorate, although her family life and work were relatively stable and smooth, she was extremely confused about life, often depressed and helpless. In 2012, Ms. Tian finally contacted other Falun Dafa practitioners and began to join the group to study the Fa and practice the exercises, which helped her improve much faster.
She said, “For ten years, Dafa has changed and purified me, and helped me understand the purpose of life. Although there is still hustle and bustle in life and work, I have inner peace and sense of belonging. I no longer have fear and anxiety.”
Ms. Tian expressed her infinite gratitude to the compassionate Master for his patience and guidance. She also sincerely hoped that more people in the world can get to know Dafa and benefit from Dafa.
People Learn About Falun Dafa
People talk with practitioners.
Emily, a young girl, and her parents passed by. A practitioner talked with her parents and gave Emily a paper-folded lotus flower.
Emily with a little lotus flower
People have their photos taken with practitioners.
Laura and her daughter Sarah from Evansville, Indiana, drove three hours to join the celebration. She said that she would bring the banner with words “Falun Dafa is good” back to Evansville and let more people there know about Falun Dafa.
Laura (middle) teaches visitors the exercises.
Laura and her daughter Sarah
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Category: World Falun Dafa Day