(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Montreal, Canada collected signatures on a petition to end the persecution of their practice in China. They displayed banners and distributed information on Mount Royal Avenue on May 23, 2022, and their efforts received great public support.
Holding large banners calling to stop the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa, practitioners distributed information and told passersby about the CCP’s atrocities. They talked about how the CCP harvests organ from Falun Dafa practitioners, and how it influences and damages the world. Many people signed the petition and encouraged practitioners in their efforts to expose the CCP. Some people gave them a thumbs-up. Others said they were interested in learning how to practice Falun Dafa.
Practitioners displayed large banners along Mount Royal Avenue in Montreal.
Signature collection receives support from the public.
A local resident said he was interested in learning Falun Dafa.
Local resident Marta Pinho condemns the CCP’s organ harvesting.
Another local resident named Mostafa and his wife signed the petition. Mostafa said, “We hope the Canadian government will take action and help the Chinese people with their human rights. The Uyghurs are also persecuted, but the Chinese government covers it up. All these human rights violations shouldn’t exist in the 21st century.”
Rene Romeo and his wife, from Venezuela, told practitioners, “Communism should die. They first got people to trust them by making empty promises, but Communism actually brought poverty. Communism doesn’t allow freedom of speech. It punishes anyone who voices a different opinion. What you are doing is great! We stand with you!”
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