(Minghui.org) All of us know that Master is the one saving sentient beings. We are just running the errands and moving our mouths. During this process, some opportunities may seem accidental. If we can seize hold of these opportunities, have the heart to save people, have no desires or attachments and act in accordance with the Fa, Master will save the person. Below, I will share a few of my experiences of taking hold of opportunities to save people.
The UmbrellaI went out one morning to clarify the truth, and I was asking myself why I had not brought an umbrella with me. I then saw a folded umbrella lying on the ground not far from me. Normally, I would not think much about what I saw on the ground. But on this day, the sky was dark and thunder resounded. I felt as if rain was going pour down at any moment. “Is it Master’s arrangement to give me an umbrella since I did not bring one?” I looked at the umbrella and a thought flashed through my mind, “The umbrella belongs to that young lady who just hurried past me.”
I picked up the umbrella and chased after her. After running more than 50 meters, I saw the lady turn and rush back to look for her umbrella. I quickly passed the umbrella to her and she kept thanking me. I told her about an effective way to avoid contracting the virus during the pandemic. The lady said with a sigh, “You people with a belief are so kind-hearted!” She understood and gladly agreed to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.
This left me surprised for quite a while. I felt that it was a test for me and I almost made a mistake. Master made use of this umbrella to let me save people. It was not for me to avoid the rain. After I returned home, it still had not rained. The rain only fell in the afternoon. Now that I think about it, how could she not have known that her umbrella had fallen from her pocket? How did she not hear her umbrella hit the ground?
The Man Who Almost Fell
It was a snowy day and the path was slippery as I walked through the crowds. The man beside me suddenly staggered, and I managed to catch hold of him. Seeing that his legs were not very agile and the path was really slippery, I supported him as he walked on.
Along the way, I clarified the truth to him and he agreed to quit the CCP. He then told me that he had reached his destination. A woman selling things at the roadside started to shout at him fiercely and scolded him with many bad words demanding to know who I was. I was stunned because I realized she was mistaken. However, my heart was righteous so I did not panic and I was not scared. I just wanted to explain things to her in a kind manner. That man said, “What are you creating commotion for? She is telling me to quit the CCP to have peace and safety!” The woman’s face immediately changed, and she said with a smile, “Ah, it’s Falun Dafa!”
The Hat
I walked to a junction one day and saw two ladies chatting. I thought of clarifying the truth to them, but after waiting for a while, I felt that I just could not get into their conversation so I left. I had just walked a few steps when a hat blew past my feet in the wind. I ran a few steps and picked the hat up. The hat belonged to one of the ladies who was chatting. She kept thanking me and with that, I clarified the truth to her. After understanding the truth, she agreed to quit the CCP affiliated organizations that she had joined when she was younger. The other lady already understood the truth and had quit the CCP’s affiliated organizations a long time ago.
Telephone Numbers
I met a fashionable lady and clarified the truth to her. She did not quite agree with what I said. I saw that she was busy looking at some telephone numbers pasted on some fourth story windows about renting houses, I stood to one side and watched her quietly. I saw that she could not see the numbers clearly no matter how she tried. I told her that I would try. With that, I tried my best to look at the numbers but I just could not see them clearly.
I begged Master in my heart to help me see the numbers clearly and started to read the telephone numbers to her. As I read through the numbers, I felt that whatever number I read grew larger. She looked at me with a puzzled look. Seeing that I was reading the numbers out with such a serious attitude, she keyed the numbers into her mobile phone and made a call successfully. She was very grateful to me. On the surface, due to my helping her with a serious attitude and no expectations, she accepted the truth and quit the CCP. She did not know that it was Master who had saved her.
A Downpour
I clarified the truth at a bus stand one day. A well built middle-aged man was standing beside me with a solemn look. It was drizzling a little so I opened my umbrella and stood there thinking about how I should clarify the truth to him. The rain grew stronger so I passed him the umbrella in a decent way. I pointed to the other practitioner’s umbrella, hinting to him that I could share the umbrella with the practitioner instead. He smiled and said, “Thank you! But I do not need it because the bus is already here.” Just as he queued to board the bus, I told him, “The heavens are going to annihilate the CCP so quit the CCP to enjoy peace and safety.” The man had only joined the Young Pioneers and he agreed to quit.
Elderly Man Chasing a Bus
I walked from the north side toward the south one day. Just as I was about to reach a bus stop, I saw a man chasing after a bus that had already driven away from the bus stop and was heading toward a village. The man’s legs were not very agile and he was carrying a large bag. The bus passed by me and drove north. I turned and started to chase after the bus. The bus stopped. I then ran over to the elderly man, picked up his big bag and carried it to the bus for him. The man quit the Young Pioneers and said that he would sit on his bed and thank me every day when he returned home. I told him to instead recite ‘Falun Dafa is Good’ every day and that would do. He smiled and nodded, saying that he had memorized the phrase. I continued to walk on and passed by the bus stop. A man and a lady smiled at me and nodded. The man gave me thumbs up. I clarified the truth to them and persuaded them to quit their CCP affiliations. The man said that many people had talked to him about it but he just had not quit. Today, he saw that the Falun Dafa people are really very good so he agreed to quit.
Thinking about myself, there were also many times when I did not do well and missed many precious opportunities to save people. I once met a former colleague in a boutique who had taken her child there to buy clothes. It seemed like her child was getting married. As I wanted to save myself from getting her a wedding present, I just greeted her with a bit of embarrassment and did not clarify the truth to her. I regret this very much. I missed the opportunity to save people due to my attachment to personal gain and my concept of reciprocity. I let Master’s painstaking arrangement go down the drain. There were also times when I missed opportunities due to fear and the attachment of saving face. Writing all of these things down reminds myself and fellow practitioners to cherish the chances to save people and cultivate ourselves well so more sentient beings can be saved.
The above are my limited understandings. Kindly let me know if there is any room for improvement.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth