Minghui Translation

Team Yellow Translation

Image for article UK: Government Leaders Voice Support for Falun Dafa and Condemn the Persecution on Human Rights Day

The Rt Hon Mark Pritchard MP stated, “I am deeply concerned about the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. The testimonies of their experiences are incredibly distressing and their treatment is one of many reasons why China is a human rights priority country for the UK.” 

Image for article Taiwan: People Admire Falun Dafa During Character Formation in Taipei

Around 5,200 Falun Dafa practitioners from different parts of Taiwan and other countries gathered at Liberty Square in Taipei for a character formation activity, forming an image of the Falun symbol and Chinese characters.

Image for article Reported in November 2023: 97 Falun Gong Practitioners Sentenced for Their Faith

Several of the practitioners in their 70s have already served more than 10 years behind bars before they were sentenced again. Forty-six of the sentenced practitioners were also fined a total of 1,202,000 yuan, ranging from 1,000 to 310,000 yuan per person. 

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