(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. I would like to share how I clarify the truth and encourage people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations since the outbreak of the Wuhan virus (COVID-19).
Playing My Part in the Fa-rectification
The CCP implemented extreme measures with its zero COVID policy by continuing to lock down many cities, towns, and villages. Whenever there was a mandatory PCR test, neighborhood committee staff would repeatedly announce it on loudspeakers, telling residents to go downstairs to take the test. Those who did not take the test would be prevented from leaving the community.
Police and neighborhood committee members where I live constantly harassed Dafa practitioners in their homes under the pretext of “checking for visitors.” In March of 2022 alone, the police knocked on my door twice. Some practitioners had their homes ransacked and were arrested.
I started to feel fearful during this time, as I worried that those who forced their way into people’s homes to disinfect would find the equipment I used to make Falun Dafa materials. I was very worried, so I transferred some of my equipment to another practitioner’s home. I got nervous whenever I heard the sound of doors closing or someone talking loudly.
I basically stopped making materials. I was only making simple fliers and weekly newspapers. I didn’t want to go to group Fa study or participate in any Dafa project. All I wanted to do was to selfishly protect myself. The root cause was my attachment to living a comfortable life. I often recalled the “happy times” when I was an ordinary person. I was afraid that I would lose my freedom if I was persecuted, and I was concerned that my family would worry about me or be implicated. But, at the same time, I was afraid that I would not be able to cultivate well and reach Consummation. All these human notions were keeping me from assisting Master in the Fa-rectification.
I knew I couldn’t live in a continual state of panic and reminded myself that I was a Dafa practitioner and that time was irrevocably passing. If I went on like this, how would I be able to fulfill my mission to save people in this special historical period? I couldn’t let fear block my cultivation path! Master protects me. As long as I study the Fa well, have strong righteous thoughts, and live by the Fa’s standards, no one can persecute me. I had to hurry up and let people know the truth about Dafa. This was and is my cultivation path.
There are many small shops in our community, and when I didn’t have a pass to go out, I went in and out of the community through these shops with truth-clarifying materials.
Practitioners from a nearby Fa-study group told me that they were in desperate need of materials. If I made the materials for them, I would also have to deliver them, and they were rather far away. So I hesitated for a while, and did not want to accept the responsibility. I feared that it would take up too much time and affect my Fa-study. But I knew that the current situation with the pandemic and saving people was extremely urgent. Another practitioner had to take care of his family and yet he was still making a lot of materials. I, on the other hand, lived alone and had much better conditions in all respects. I really had no excuse not to do it. If practitioners could distribute more materials, it would give people more hope! Besides, I already had all the equipment to make the materials. They were all Dafa resources and should be fully utilized to help save people. So I decided to go ahead and do it.
The economy was not great and inflation was high as a result of the pandemic. I was not working and relied on my savings. I tried to plan carefully and live frugally. I would go to the supermarket near closing time to buy discounted vegetables. I used the money I saved to make materials. Under normal conditions, I would not accept money from fellow practitioners. When I bought consumables to make materials, I paid in cash to avoid leaving a transaction record. But during lockdown, it was difficult to get to the bank. Only when I didn’t have cash would I accept money from practitioners to pay for the consumables. If I had cash in hand, I would not accept money from other practitioners.
It is essential to pay attention to safety, so we always use a single line of contact to pick up and deliver materials. We also suggest that fellow practitioners who have the ability to set up their own material production sites. We try to provide any support needed for these practitioners to establish their sites.
In addition to making brochures and fliers, I also made QR codes and USB flash drives for practitioners to distribute. The feedback I got was that they were well received, especially by younger people. After clarifying the truth, fellow practitioners would give out a USB flash drive with videos that had a very powerful impact.
Exposing Attachments
Under the extreme measures during the pandemic, people became numb to the situation. Given the CCP’s lies and propaganda, some people were so deeply poisoned they didn’t want to hear the truth. This required Dafa practitioners to have greater compassion, patience, and forbearance so that they could touch people’s hearts.
I had a nice chat with a young man in my community, but as I was writing down his phone number, he suddenly yelled, “The police are coming!” Then he screamed as he walked away. This was a rare, strange experience for me, as it usually went well when I clarified the truth. It overwhelmed me.
A few days later, I spoke to an older man who looked very kind. Our conversation was going well, but when I mentioned the “white guards” (the virus prevention personnel who wear white hazmat suits) misusing their power through the pandemic prevention policy, he suddenly got angry and said, “Who are you? Stop talking to me!” I looked inward and saw that there was an issue in the way I clarified the truth. When I talked, I only cared about what I wanted to say and didn’t pay attention to the other person’s feelings.
I was really embarrassed by these incidents. I became hot and flustered and didn’t know what to do. My self-esteem took a blow and I didn’t want to go out and talk to people again. I even felt lucky that no one I knew was around.
Why did I have those feelings? Through Fa study, I found my strong attachment to vanity. It was no coincidence that this happened to me twice in a row.
I also developed an attachment to time. That is, I hoped Fa-rectification would end soon or the situation would improve. I have been trying to get rid of this attachment for a long time. Sometimes I think, “I have already helped many people quit the CCP and saved enough people to fill my world, so it won’t be empty. I’m so tired and don’t need to work so hard anymore. Let me rest.” In fact, this was a selfish mentality and exposed my attachment to self-interest and gain. I was unwilling to take the initiative to do things to save people, so my cultivation state went downhill. I was lazy and wanted to relax. I didn’t want to get up early in the morning, and I often missed the morning exercises.
I worried about a lot of things and was not able to calm down when I studied the teachings. If I went on like this, there was no way I could improve in cultivation, and would not be able to save people. Even if I did go out to clarify the truth, with so many attachments, the results would not be good.
Whenever practitioners gave me lists of people they’d helped quit the CCP, I felt happy for them and deeply ashamed of myself for seldom going out to clarify the truth since the pandemic started. I knew that the pandemic was targeting the CCP, and all kinds of disasters were coming. If I continued to waste time, all my previous efforts would be in vain and I might be destroyed myself!
Just then, I read an article on the Minghui website about a blind practitioner who memorized Zhuan Falun. I also heard about another blind practitioner who insisted on calling people to save them. I was so moved. We must be diligent in cultivation. I tried to study the Fa more, strengthen my righteous thoughts, and pay attention to cultivating every thought. I told myself that I must strive forward until the end.
Seeking Opportunities to Clarify the Facts
I used to clarify the truth to people I ran into in my everyday life, so I started there. I talked to the vendors when I bought fruit and vegetables, the people waiting at other vendor stalls, and the drivers when I took a taxi. Sometimes when I clarified the truth to strangers, I got tongue-tied, so I would give them a flier and ask them to read it. This would lay the foundation for other practitioners to help them quit the CCP in the future.
I met a few seniors watching over their grandchildren while chatting with each other. Some of them had come from remote areas and didn’t know the truth about Dafa. They were very grateful to me for clarifying the truth to them.
I took a taxi and chatted with the driver. I began by talking about the current situation of the pandemic and how it affected the taxi industry and made earning any money difficult. Many people were confined to their homes and had to buy food and daily necessities at high prices, and some even starved to death at home. I talked about the various political movements since the CCP usurped power. I then told him about Falun Dafa. I said, “Falun Dafa is a high-level Buddhist practice, and Dafa disciples follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. When everyone follows Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, people’s relationships will improve, families will be better off, and everyone will be in a better mood. This has been experienced by hundreds of thousands of Dafa practitioners and confirmed in the scientific community. A famous physicist said great things about Falun Dafa and practiced Falun Dafa himself.” I was in the taxi for over 20 minutes. Before getting out of the car, I said that, as a driver, safety is the first priority, and asked him to quit the CCP organizations to stay safe. He agreed.
I wanted to let more people know the truth, so I began to distribute the QR codes we made. QR codes are very convenient to use to clarify the truth. People can simply scan the code to get to the truth-clarification pages. I found that young people especially like this method. USB flash drives are also very effective. The videos on them, such as theNine Commentaries on the Communist Party and The Ultimate Goal of Communism are shocking and convincing. When I clarify the truth, I find suitable people to give these USB drives to. Considering their high cost, they cannot be distributed in large quantities like DVDs in the past. So if someone doesn’t want one, I won’t force it. But afterwards I would look inward to see why it was refused. Was it because I didn’t have enough compassion?
There are still so many people who don’t know the truth, and I still have so many human attachments blocking my way. Let us cherish this opportunity, cherish every minute and second that is left, hurry up to clarify the truth, save people, and cultivate ourselves well.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth