(Minghui.org) When I was a child I was lazy and didn’t want to study, which disappointed my parents and made them sad. When I got older, I acquired all kinds of bad habits. My parents and relatives were distressed and worried about me. I had a bad reputation and the neighbors looked down on me. No matter how hard my relatives urged me, I never took life seriously. I thought they were backward and outdated. No one could do anything to change me.
My thinking was distorted by the chaotic world. Not only was I not ashamed of my behavior, I was proud of the dashing way I lived. I thought that people should live however they wanted to and be masters of their fate.
Although China’s traditional culture was ravaged and destroyed by communism, its people do have 5,000 years of culture behind them, and the older generation still holds traditional, universal values in their hearts. So, although I was tall and strong, I had a bad reputation in the eyes of my fellow villagers. Nobody wanted their daughter to marry someone like me. By the time I was in my 30s, I was still alone. My behavior embarrassed my family. Without a code of conduct, I was like a boat with no sail or oars, just floating on the boundless ocean. Huge waves could swallow me at any time.
Heavenly Gift
Despite the things I did, fate treated me well, and I met my future wife. Maybe Master saw that I kept sinking, and if I went on like that, I would be completely destroyed. To save me, Master arranged for a kind and beautiful woman from Xinjiang to marry me.
She saw that, although I misbehaved and had a bad reputation, there still seemed to be a little kindness in my heart, so she accepted me. Not only did I have a bad reputation, but my family was also very poor. People warned her that she shouldn’t marry me!
Before we married, she gave me a book and told me to read it carefully. This book was Zhuan Falun. After I read it I said, “This book is very good. It teaches people to be good!”
She saw that I was not against Dafa and had a good heart, so she decided to marry me. My family was poor, but she didn’t mind, which exceeded my expectations. What I did not expect was that she had a dowry. I finally had a kind and beautiful wife!
Because I had a bad reputation and my family was so poor, when her parents learned that their beloved daughter was about to marry a freeloader, they fiercely opposed it and did not come to visit us for three years. It was all of my own making, so I don’t hate them. I worked hard to be a good person in all respects, and I was not afraid of hardship when I went out to work. My life soon began to improve. I had money to fix the house, and I began accumulating some savings. When my mother-in-law heard how well we were doing, she gave up her previous hatred and came to visit us. Our lives became happier and happier.
I know that this was all due to Falun Dafa, given to me by Master. I thanked Master with all my heart!
Amazing Experiences after I Stared Practicing Falun Dafa
I got married in 2007 when I was 37. After we married, my wife continued to urge me to read Zhuan Falun. The more I read, the more I wanted to read it. Just like that, I decided to practice and follow Master’s teachings. I went from being a worthless punk to practicing Falun Dafa.
Following Master’s teachings, I learned how to be a good person. I was ashamed of everything I did in the past and felt bad about the time I wasted. My worldview and outlook on life completely changed. I no longer saw ugliness as beauty or took pride in being evil. I no longer thought that the life of a cynic was a free life; I no longer saw those high-ranking officials and dignitaries as the most successful people. Instead I was and am deeply grateful for the privilege of practicing Dafa and know that is what true happiness is.
In the course of studying the Fa, I gradually stopped pursuing fame and profit. I really understand the meaning of life. People come to this world to return to their roots, to let go of all kinds of desires and attachments, cleanse themselves, and return to the heavenly world, to their true home!
After I began practicing Falun Dafa, I became a different person: I know it’s my responsibility to earn money to support my family, so I bid farewell to the casino completely, did my best at work, and could bear hardships. I worked hard. I quit drinking. After work, I study the Fa and practice with my wife.
Now I have no bad habits. Instead, I practice Falun Dafa. I no longer value anything in society; I only emphasize the improvement of my character. My change surprised people. Because of my past, many people who know me say, “He has completely changed since he got married!” The neighbors observed that I completely changed because I practiced Falun Dafa. They all praised Dafa, saying that Dafa is really amazing and only Dafa can truly change people.
I am grateful to Master, to Dafa, and to my fellow practitioners, and my wife. Through her, Master led me to this great Dafa of high virtue that has not been taught in a thousand years.
Although I didn’t have any health issues before I practiced, the karma I created in my lifetime was great, so I had to pay it back. One day when I was doing the exercises, I started to sweat profusely. Strangely, I felt that it was not sweat but ice all over my body; it was cold, really cold. I was not afraid and knew it was a good thing. Master was cleansing my body. I kept practicing and felt very comfortable afterward.
I once dozed off while I was driving. I suddenly felt that the car was about to roll over! I woke up, but the car was under control. I was afraid, but I later realized that I was asleep and it was impossible for me to return the car to the right path in such a timely manner. It was Master who saved me!
I was injured at work and broke a bone in my shoulder. It hurt so much that I couldn’t move it. My wife encouraged me to do the exercises. I took my injured arm with my other hand and started doing the exercises. My movements were clumsy, but I persevered, and gradually the movements became smooth.
But my arm still hurt and I could not work. One day, I saw a bucket of dirty water. Without thinking about my injured shoulder, I picked it up and emptied it outside. My wife was surprised and said, “You recovered?!” At that moment I realized my bone was healed. It was Master who healed me! I knew Master was watching over me all the time.
Following the Teachings
My whole body was cleansed, and I no longer did bad things. By following Master’s teachings, I stopped having negative thoughts. I became sincere and honest and practiced forbearance.
I treat my neighbors, relatives, and friends with humility and sincerity, which made them see the beauty of Dafa in me. I am responsible for the family, because Master taught us how a husband should treat his wife.
No matter how hard and tiring the housework is, I never complain. I treat my wife’s shortcomings with great patience and kindness. Once my wife lost her temper. At that time I didn’t do well in forbearance. I felt uneasy, but I was able to hold back on the surface. I clenched my fists and toes hard to endure. I was grateful to Master for giving me strength. No matter how offended I felt, I didn’t argue with her. Later, I was able to endure it calmly.
Following Master to Save Sentient Beings
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) rumor-mongering and slandering of Dafa and its persecution of practitioners have poisoned Chinese people and put the world in danger. Master has compassion for all sentient beings and wants more people to understand the truth of Dafa and be saved by quitting the CCP. Many practitioners put aside their personal safety, risk their lives, and go out to clarify the truth about Dafa to people and help them quit the Party organizations.
I strongly support my wife’s efforts to clarify the truth and save people. She is busy saving people, so I never complain if she has little time to do the housework. Of course, in addition to my job, I also balanced the relationship between work and cultivation, and I also go out and clarify the truth to people.
When my wife and I go out to clarify the truth, we work better together. Once when I was posting banners, I noticed beautiful white clouds. I looked up and saw a big Falun rotating in the sky, and there was a white cloud like a blooming giant white lotus, which was very beautiful and moving. The other practitioners said, “Master is encouraging you!”
Seven years ago when my wife was telling people about the persecution, she was reported. The police arrested her and took her to the station. The other practitioners and I worked together to rescue her. Those who participate in the persecution are lost lives, so we must save them, too.
I overcame my fear and summoned up the courage to go to the police department. At that time, I felt that I’d suddenly become very tall, taller than the building. I confidently walked into the building and shouted, “Where is so-and-so (the policeman who was in charge of my wife’s arrest)?”
Policeman Lang stood up and asked me what was going on. I said, “Why did you arrest my wife? She is a good person, and she passes out information to tell people how to stay safe. You’re a police officer, but you break the law. Falun Dafa is practiced in more than 100 countries and regions all over the world, and people from many countries praise Dafa. Many governments and non-governmental organizations say Falun Dafa is good. Only in China is it suppressed. You must release my wife today.”
Lang stopped me and told several officers to remove me from the building. I thought to myself, “I’ve said everything I should have said,” so I left.
Shortly after I got home, I was surprised to see my wife appear. We don’t know when the police decided to let her go, but Dafa disciples are protected by Master. It must have been Master who brought my wife home. Thank you, Master, for your merciful protection!
I promised Master: No matter how bumpy the road gets in the future, my faith in Master and Dafa will not waver. I can let everything in the world go, and I will never give up on Dafa; The only thing I want to do is to save people. No matter how difficult life is, no matter how bad the environment is, I will cultivate well, so that Master will not worry about me.
Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!
(Selected Submission Celebrating the 24th World Falun Dafa Day on the Minghui website)
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