(Minghui.org) I went out to tell people about Falun Dafa with another practitioner one day in March 2017. I noticed a young man standing on a bridge. I went over to clarify the truth about the persecution to him. He accepted the materials and agreed to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. He even asked if I had Falun Dafa books—but then he reported us to the police.
A police car came and several policemen arrested us. Many people were watching. I tried to shout “Falun Dafa is good!” But something seemed to choke me and I was unable to speak. Three of us were taken to the police station and held in different rooms.
I had some fear on the way there. But once I got there, I had no fear at all—instead I thought about how to clarify the truth to the police.
A policeman took me to a room. He grabbed my bag and emptied it. Booklets of the Nine Commentaries on theCommunist Party pamphlets, amulets, DVDs and notes with truth-clarification messages were scattered on the table. One disk contained personal information about a detained practitioner.
The policeman asked what the disk was for. I told him I didn’t know. He then asked my name, age, and address. I didn’t reply. He told an assistant to watch me and left the room. I stood against the wall and sent righteous thoughts. When I was tired of standing, I sat down in the lotus position and continued sending righteous thoughts. I asked Master to help rescue me.
When the policeman returned and saw me sending righteous thoughts, he flew into a rage and summoned several policemen to drag me to an iron chair. I shouted: “You are committing crimes!” They chained me to the chair and left. An assistant policeman walked back and forth in the corridor and watched me. I called out loudly to him to let me out. He said he didn’t dare. I asked him if he knew that he would be safe if he quit the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and its affiliated organizations. He said, “You dare to say this here? I don’t dare to listen.”
I kept clarifying the truth to the policemen. I felt thirsty and asked the assistant policeman if he could bring me a glass of water. The policeman who arrested me came in and told someone to bring me a bottle of water. I gave him a bill with a truth-clarification message on it. He didn’t dare take it.
Then several policemen came in to take photos of me. I closed my eyes and didn’t cooperate. They unlocked my handcuffs and took me to another room. One policeman told me to sign my name on a piece of paper. I didn’t do it. They did not force me. Around 10 p.m. they handcuffed me to another practitioner, but the third practitioner was not handcuffed. They shoved us into a police car and didn’t tell us where we were going.
We kept clarifying the truth to the policemen in the car. They listened silently. We were sent to the local detention center and were detained for 10 days.
I was assigned to sleep on the same bed with a practitioner I knew. She didn’t say anything and looked dazed. She lay in bed all day. I asked her why she didn’t speak. I also asked her to help clarify the truth to inmates. She did not say anything. The inmates said that she was tortured severely and became incontinent. I felt sad. I washed her, cleaned her pants, and brought her food.
One day a policewoman interrogated me and asked my name, why I practiced Falun Dafa and when I started to practice. I told her that Falun Dafa teaches people to be good and it has amazing health benefits. She said that all practitioners say the same thing. She asked my age again. I didn’t tell her. She said, “Don’t think you can go home in 10 days.” I was allowed to go back to the cell.
When I returned the other practitioner said that I would be tortured that night. I knew she was talking nonsense. However, fear crept in. I read articles on the Minghui website how many practitioners were not released after they were sent to detention centers—instead they were sent to criminal detention. My mind became unsteady. All kinds of thoughts came up. Would I be released in 10 days? The more I thought, the more my fear grew.
I tried to remember the Fa teachings I memorized but I couldn’t think of any. My mind was blank. I became nervous but tried to control myself. Gradually I calmed down and the Fa came into my mind sentence by sentence.
Master said,
“A great Arhat walks the earth,Gods and demons fear with awe.”(“Benevolent Might,” Hong Yin)
“Should you have fear,it will seize upon youIf thoughts are righteous,evil will collapse”(“What’s to Fear?,” Hong Yin II)
As I recited the Fa, I could feel the substance of fear weaken little by little. My righteous thoughts became stronger and stronger. I witnessed the power of the Fa.
On the 9th day, the two prostitutes who were locked up in the cell the same day as I was started to complete a form. The inmates asked me why the police didn’t give me a form. I told them that I was different from them and I didn’t need to complete a form.
On the morning of the 10th day, I packed up all my things and had a very firm thought: Master will take care of me; I don’t want any other arrangement; I must go home today. After 9 a.m the police told the two prostitutes to come out. I followed them. No one stopped me. The other two practitioners also walked out of the cell. This reinforced my confidence. The three of us followed the prostitutes to the gate. The person on duty asked them to sign a form and let them go. The person on duty asked us to sign the form. We refused and were not allowed to leave. The minutes passed. I thought of Master and asked him to help me. Literally in a second, the person on duty said that we could leave. We successfully left the detention center. I knew Master rescued us.
I reflected on the reason why I was persecuted as follows:
Treating Dafa Project Work as Cultivation
I was not aware that I regarded doing things as cultivation. I started practicing Falun Dafa late and I didn’t experience the initial, intense persecution. On the surface, I looked as though I didn’t fear anything. I was involved in every Dafa project. The other practitioners thought I had strong righteous thoughts and admired me. They liked to ask me for help. Unconsciously I developed a show off mentality and became complacent. I also pursued fame and personal interest.
Attached to My Own Notions and Failed to Get Master’s Hints
When I went to a practitioner’s home she was going through a tribulation and didn’t want me to leave. She asked me to read the Fa with her. I insisted on going out to clarify the truth to people. I waited for the bus for over 30 minutes. The bus normally came every few minutes. I became anxious and was afraid that I would be late if the bus didn’t come. I waited and waited. Finally the bus came. When I arrived at the practitioner’s home, she was just about to leave.
Looking back, I realized that when the practitioner didn’t want me to leave and the bus was so late, weren’t these all hints from Master that I should stay and help that practitioner?
Looking Down on Another Practitioner
One practitioner clarified the truth to people really well by herself. After she met me, she insisted on going out to clarify the truth with me. When I talked to people, she just listened. That upset me. I belittled her and thought she was an obstacle.
Cunning and Fear
In the detention center I never answered roll call and no one told me to squat down. One day when all the inmates finished roll call, the guard ordered them to squat. I just stood there. The guard pointed at me and said, “You have to squat!” I just pretended to squat The guard said we could go.
I looked within. I had strong fear and was afraid of losing face. I realized I had a cunning side. I want to expose these attachments and eliminate them from the root.
Strong Resentment
In the detention center there was a stubborn lady who never listened to me and interfered when I clarified the truth to the inmates. I resented her. One day she had severe back pain and couldn’t stand up. I was happy over her misfortune and had no sympathy for her. I thought she had instant retribution. Where was my compassion?
Think of Master at Crucial Moments
My most important realization is that we must believe in Master and the Fa when we come across hardships and tests. We should let go of every attachment and only rely on Master. Master will dissolve the tribulations for us and enable us to walk out of the tests and hardships.
I still have many attachments. Going forward in cultivation, I will rectify my thoughts and actions in the Fa and truly cultivate myself diligently.
Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!
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Category: Improving Oneself