(Minghui.org) This year from June 1 to 4, 2023, after a long hiatus during the COVID pandemic, Daugavpils, the second largest city in Latvia, held its city festival “With Daugavpils in the Heart.” This year’s festival was dedicated to the city’s 748th birthday. Practitioners participated in the celebration and told people about Falun Dafa and how it benefits those who practice and society.
The festival culminated on Saturday, June 3, when the Daugavpils city festival parade was held. Approximately 3,000 people participated.
That morning, practitioners set up a tent in Central Park, demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises, told people about Dafa, and showed them how to make origami lotus flowers.
While he made a lotus flower and talked with a practitioner, a young man remarked that he felt very bad before coming to the Falun Dafa tent, but when he started making the flower and talked with a practitioner about spiritual matters, he felt much better. Before he left, he repeatedly thanked the practitioner and said that he had been greatly influenced by the practitioner’s calm kindness, and shook his hand in farewell.
Teaching visitors to make origami lotus flowers
A Christian woman talked with the practitioner for a long time. She said that it was no coincidence that she met practitioners, and said she felt the world was on the verge of destruction. The practitioner said that people’s morals have greatly degraded and that that is why practitioners tell people about Falun Dafa in order to awaken their goodness and desire to change for the better.
When she learned that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes practitioners and kills them for their organs for transplants, the woman said that now is the time when a person makes a choice to stand on the side of good or evil, and that his future will depend on it–whether he will get to the new world or head towards nothingness.
In parting, she wished practitioners good luck. She expressed a wish that when difficult times come to humanity, God will give each person the opportunity to overcome them and enter the future!
Before the parade, the practitioners talked with representatives of the Disabled People’s Association, which also participated in the parade. They said they were attracted by the practitioners’ yellow jackets and the words “Falun Dafa” on them. They asked what the words meant.
The practitioner briefly told them, “Falun Dafa is an ancient practice based on the fundamental principles of the universe, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. If practitioners look within to find their attachments, negative thoughts, and perceptions, and then get rid of them, this leads to improved health.”
After a longer conversation, a representative of the association exclaimed, “How interesting! This is exactly what we need.” They asked where they could learn the exercises. The practitioner gave them booklets and advised them to visit Falun Dafa websites, where they could find out more about the practice, Master Li Hongzhi’s teachings, and exercise videos.
The parade began at 2:00 p.m. Practitioners carried a beautiful banner with the inscription “Falun Dafa in Latvia.” Spectators along the entire parade route greeted them with applause and shouts of approval.
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