(Minghui.org) Over a thousand Falun Dafa practitioners from more than 30 European countries held a rally and parade in Paris, France, on August 26, 2023. The parade showcased the beauty of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) and raised awareness of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s persecution of Falun Dafa in China. Wherever the procession went, spectators commended it.
Place de la République in Paris
After holding the rally in the morning, practitioners paraded in the center of Paris in the afternoon. They set off firecrackers at the starting point (an Asian tradition), the Place de la République, at 1 p.m., proceeded around major shopping malls, and arrived at the Place de la Bourse. At 4 p.m., they held another parade that set off from Place d’Italie in the 13th District, circled the street where many Chinese gather, and then returned to Place d’Italie.
Falun Dafa practitioners’ parade in the center of Paris on August 26. Françoise Hostalier, former French Minister of Education and deputy head of the French delegation to the European Commission (woman in a light blue suit in the front row) participated in the march.
Practitioners tell people about Falun Dafa along the parade route.
Parade Spreads Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
More than 1,400 practitioners participated in the parade. The European Tian Guo Marching Band took the lead. Behind a large rotating Falun emblem, practitioners carried colorful banners. Then came a large model of Zhuan Falun, Falun Dafa’s main book, in Chinese and other languages, followed by practitioners demonstrating the Falun Dafa exercises.
Practitioners from different European countries carried banners in their own languages. The dragon dance team and two golden lions followed them.
The next section of the parade called for an end to the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa. Female practitioners dressed in white (the color of mourning in most Asian countries) held portraits of practitioners in China who were tortured to death. They were followed by practitioners holding banners and display boards calling for an end to the persecution and a team congratulating the more than 415 million people who have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
Practitioners’ parade in Paris shares the beauty of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
The Tian Guo Marching Band performed along the parade route.
Waist drummers played along the parade route.
Practitioners in the parade carried banners in their respective countries’ languages
This section calls for an end to the CCP’s persecution and to abandon the CCP
Government Employee: Falun Gong Is Wonderful
The parade attracted the attention of passersby, many of whom gave practitioners a thumbs up when they saw the banners displaying Falun Dafa’s guiding principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. After learning about the CCP’s persecution and its crime of harvesting organs from living practitioners, many people signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution.
Valérie Diamonka, a government employee, works in the social security administration. She learned that Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are Falun Dafa’s guiding principles. “I think this is really great,” she said.
Ms. Diamonka said that her work is stressful and that she took medication to relieve her stress. She thanked practitioners for telling her about Falun Gong.
When she learned that the CCP harvested the organs of living Falun Gong practitioners for profit, she said the crime is terrible and that everyone should know what is happening in China.
Hospital Employee: CCP’s Persecution Campaign Is “Stupid”
Marie (right) and her friend Julie support practitioners.
Marie works in a maternity hospital, and she and her friend Julie signed the practitioner’s petition.
Marie praised the practitioners’ grand, peaceful parade. When she learned that the CCP has not allowed people to practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance for more than 24 years, she said, “[That] is completely stupid.”
Julie, who works on computers at a hospital, said the music drew them to stop and watch. She praised Falun Gong practitioners for letting people know the facts. They both said that parade had strong energy.
Both Marie and Julie said that it was important for practitioners to expose the CCP’s persecution. Julie said, “This activity is important. It can open people’s eyes and help them learn about the persecution in China.”
Retired Teacher Amazed by Peaceful Parade
Gilles Pottier, a retired teacher
Gilles Pottier, a retired teacher in Paris, was surprised to see that there were no police officers maintaining order in the parade. He said, “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are beautiful values.
“What I admire is that there are no police here, only one person leading the parade. When the French march, they need fifty thousand police officers to manage a march of two hundred people, because we don’t know how to remain orderly. This parade is very well organized. There was no noise, just music—I found this powerful and amazing.”
After learning that the CCP persecutes practitioners, he said that the CCP is a fascist party and a dictatorship. “Just like the Communist Party that people are familiar with, one day, this regime will collapse. I look forward to this for the Chinese people.”
A Harmonious Atmosphere
It suddenly began raining before the parade started in the afternoon. The members of the Tian Guo Marching Band quietly stood in the rain, neatly lined up. Practitioners continued to do the Falun Dafa exercises in the rain, which passersby noticed.
Chbiki Ouafa, a pastry chef, was very touched when she saw practitioners persevere in the rain. She signed the petition and said, “I feel that the people who participated in the parade are very united. When they practiced together in the rain, I was completely drawn in and really wanted to know what they were doing. By watching them, I feel that they are calm and peaceful.”
Chbiki Ouafa said she was impressed by the parade.
Ms. Ouafa said, “They believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, that is to say, they are peaceful and humble and get along well with everyone. We really like that. People like practitioners. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are the basic principles of human existence. If we lose these principles, we will have no hope.”
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