(Minghui.org) Most practitioners can probably realize the jealousy in themselves when they perceive others as doing better than them in certain regards, such as being better looking or having a prestigious job or social status.
As Falun Dafa cultivators, we all understand the principle that one’s life is determined by how much karma and virtue one carries. Thus, it’s usually easy for us to be alert when we develop such jealousy. However, I became aware of another kind of jealousy that developed within me when I looked down on people that I considered inferior to me.
For example, at my workplace, our cafeteria was providing free lunch buffets. I noticed some colleagues bringing desserts and pastries back home. I always despised them for doing it and thought their xinxing level was low and that they were so greedy.
But when I looked within later, I saw jealousy in myself. The reason why I didn’t take the food home was because I was trying to follow Dafa’s principle to be a good person. But when they took the “free food” home without being “restrained” by the principles, it felt to me as if I suffered losses. I had wished that the cafeteria’s staff members could step forward and stop them from doing so. My jealousy was mixed with my attachment to self-interest and food.
When some colleagues were promoted due to their connections with certain managers, or when they moved to positions with an easy workload, I also despised them. Even though their lighter workload did not impact my work in any way, I thought they were lazy and had no aspiration to do better.
Sometimes I complained about certain managers for having poor abilities and felt that they didn’t deserve to be in that position. However, what was really going on in my heart was that I was jealous of them for getting their position without having to work hard. Subconsciously, I was questioning why such incompetent people could have such an easy life.
Master said,
“The principle at work here is one that the average person isn’t aware of: that you will not get what you want if it’s not part of your life’s design, however deserving you may seem; while someone else who is incompetent might get it, if it is part of his life’s design.” (The Seventh Talk, Zhuan Falun)
I recalled a story that I had once read. A woodcutter and a shepherd met in the forest one day. They enjoyed each other’s company and spent the day talking. At dusk, the shepherd went home with a well-fed herd, but the woodcutter found himself empty-handed and without having achieved anything for that day.
I feel that when we become trapped by our own jealousy, we are wasting our precious time just like the woodcutter. We are going around in circles without striding forward in our cultivation.
Jealousy is a real substance that ties us up like a rope and pins us down on the level of ordinary people. The stronger our jealousy, the heavier our bodies are and the harder it is for us to transcend the Three Realms.
Sometimes I have also noticed fellow practitioners being jealous of one another. This isn’t what we should be doing. It’s not like we are competing with each other to get ahead. Master Li wants every one of us to excel in cultivation and reach consummation in the future. We should be supporting each other and helping each other to improve more quickly.
Master has told us clearly:
“There is a rule: anyone who doesn’t free himself of jealousy while practicing cannot attain true divine standing.” (The Seventh Talk, Zhuan Falun)
I hope we can all understand the manifestation of jealousy and be mindful of it in ourselves.
Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)
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Category: Improving Oneself