(Minghui.org) Greetings, revered Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!
I often send righteous thoughts to eliminate anything negative during our truth-clarification activities and I hope that everyone we talk to will understand the truth and be saved. I always remind myself that I am there for the sake of sentient beings, and that my compassion can melt people’s hearts.
I always try to speak to people in a friendly and compassionate tone. I listen to them so I can clarify the truth from their perspective, which makes it easier for them to understand.
I always speak sincerely in order to truly move people. I noticed their tones soften, they listen carefully and truly understood the true story of Falun Dafa. I’m often surprised by their sincere appreciation. At these times my heart is filled with the indescribable power of Falun Dafa.
Over the years I realized that the success or failure of our truth-clarification activities are reflections of our cultivation state and are great opportunities to improve ourselves.
I would like to share one of my recent experiences.
Letting Go of My Attachment to Validating My Opinion
I talked to an intoxicated man at a truth-clarification event one day. He caused trouble at another booth where people talked about the Bible. When he noticed us, he came over and aggressively put his face next to a practitioner’s face. I tried to help my fellow practitioner and began talking to him. As soon as I began talking he tried to start a argument in Russian.
I talked to him sincerely, but soon realized that he was too drunk to understand what I was saying. All he wanted to do was provoke an argument. He kept pushing his face next to mine. I tried to explain what we were doing, but it didn’t help. I tried to kindly answer his questions. It didn’t help. When I walked away he followed me and wouldn’t leave.
I thought that I needed to take him away from the center of our event, so he wouldn’t disturb others. I began sending righteous thoughts and led him behind the tent. I silently asked Master to help, but realized that it was a test for me to improve myself.
I couldn’t understand many of the things he mumbled, but I tried to find a way to reach him. I sent strong righteous thoughts to disintegrate whatever was controlling him. While I talked to him, I looked within and found my attachment to competitiveness, attachment to proving I was right, and my indifference after seeing how stubborn he was.
After I let go of these attachments, I felt powerful compassion for him. I remembered that he came here to be saved, and I needed to awaken him. I continued to send forth righteous thoughts and did that while looking straight into his eyes. I could tell that he became more clear-minded. I listened to him carefully, and let go of my attachment to proving my point. I was there just for him, and eliminated whatever blocked his soul from awakening.
When he finished arguing his point of view, he asked me what I wanted. I replied, “I want to help you!” I said that wholeheartedly, sincerely, and without any doubts, because that’s exactly how I felt. I saw that he was lost in this confusing world, and I couldn’t help but deeply sympathize with him!
He looked stunned. He probably thought that I would argue with him to prove my point. Our conversation became friendlier. I continued to talk to him with compassion. I repeated in my mind that I was there for him, only for him.
Suddenly he looked clear-minded. I could tell that he was no longer drunk.
I told him not to do any bad things, and that everything he said was his truth, and that what we were doing today was also telling people the truth! I said that we tried to draw people’s attention to the injustice in China. “I see you are against injustice too,” I said, “because you strongly stand up for truth.”
He changed completely and told me that I had done well! Tears welled up in his eyes. He turned around and left, but didn’t leave our activity site.
I shared my experience with other practitioners and suggested they not argue with him. He briefly talked to another practitioner, but left after a short while. This practitioner told me later that he also brought this man to tears.
The man approached me again later, and this time he spoke in Latvian. He told me not to touch his people – Latvians. I continued to talk to him nicely. He eventually told me that I was the best one. He thanked me sincerely and left our event.
This experience taught me the importance of awakening people with compassion, and never giving in, no matter how difficult some people may seem. I saw my fighting mentality and indifference in the way I argued with him initially. Then I gave up on him when I couldn’t convince him.
It wasn’t until I sent forth righteous thoughts that I realized it was a test for me. The situation changed when I truly wished to save him and awaken him. Altruism and compassion led me step by step to awaken the goodness in his heart.
This moving experience validated the power of Dafa, righteous thoughts, and cultivation. Nothing we encounter in cultivation is accidental. We are here for the sake of sentient beings. We don’t hold truth-clarification activities to just routinely distribute flyers and then give up on people if they refuse to listen. It is a place where we affirm our righteous thoughts and compassion, and truly help Master save sentient beings.
Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!
(Sharing paper submitted to the 2023 European Fa Conference)
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