(Minghui.org) With the 2024 New Year right around the corner, many Falun Dafa practitioners in the Chinese education system wish the founder of the practice, Master Li Hongzhi, a Happy New Year.

A graduate student in a prestigious college in Beijing wrote, “All of my capabilities were bestowed upon me by Master. I was not good at studying when I was little. I followed Master’s teaching to be a good student. With Master’s protection, I went all the way to graduate school. I am grateful for Master's compassion and salvation. Thank you, Master! I will cultivate diligently, purify myself, and return home with Master.”

Other well-wishers include:

Teachers in BeijingCollege students in Laiyang City, Shandong ProvinceTeachers in Guangzhou City, Guangdong ProvinceA retired teacher in Kaijiang County, Sichuan Province

As well as those in:

Jiamusi UniversityColleges in Guangdong ProvinceColleges in Hebei ProvinceColleges in Hunan ProvinceKunming City, Yunnan ProvinceHarbin City, Heilongjiang ProvinceSongming County, Yunnan ProvinceShandong ProvinceShijiazhuang City, Hebei ProvinceWeihai City, Shandong ProvinceChangchun City, Jilin ProvinceLiaocheng City, Shandong ProvinceAnhui ProvinceEnping City, Guangdong Province