(Minghui.org) I experienced a test regarding my sentiment for my daughter in 2022. I was concerned about her being busy with her full-time job while taking care of her two children, the younger one who’d just started school. I wanted to help her, but she lived several hundred miles away. When she asked me to come and help at the end of 2022, I went right away.
I stayed with her for several months. Because people there speak a different dialect, they had difficulty understanding me and I could not clarify the truth like I wanted to. I could not find a local Fa study group in her area either. Those two things made me anxious. When I tried to hand out Dafa information, people wouldn’t take it. I thought I should return home, where people were waiting for me to save them.
My daughter had read Falun Dafa’s main book, Zhuan Falun. She was very supportive of my practice and tried to protect me during the persecution. In the spring of 2023, I told her I wanted to go home. I said, “I don’t understand the language here so I can’t tell people about Falun Gong.” She understood and bought me a train ticket. I left the next day.
As soon as I returned home, I visited a practitioner who shared with me Master’s new articles “How Humankind Came To Be” and “Why Save Sentient Beings.” I wept and said to Master, “I’m so sorry, Master! I should have let go of my sentiment for my daughter and come back sooner to help Master save people!”
With tears in my eyes, I repeatedly read Master’s new articles. I looked inward: “Why didn’t I let go of my sentiment for my daughter? Was I a Dafa practitioner in the Fa-rectification period if I did not give up this attachment?” I kept looking inward, found many attachments, and felt I was not worthy of being a practitioner.
I calmed down and visited another practitioner. Last year before I went to my daughter’s place, I wrote a new year’s greeting to Master and asked this practitioner to submit it to the Minghui website. As soon as she saw me, she apologized and said she forgot to submit the greeting. I felt sad, but I knew it was not an accident.
Master told us, “This directly involves our own minds. In order to eliminate this negative thing, you must first change your mind.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)
I left and walked to the bus stop. I noticed a lady sitting there, smiled, and said, “My friend, to keep you and your family safe and happy, please remember ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!’” She nodded and thanked me, so I asked if she’d ever joined the CCP, Youth League, or Young Pioneers. She said she was a CCP member. “When you joined the Party, you pledged to fight for it for the rest of your life and to give your life to it. The CCP has killed more than 80 million Chinese in its political movements. Now it even harvests organs from living Falun Dafa practitioners and sells them! Heaven will destroy it. If you don’t withdraw from it, you will be held accountable for its crimes and risk being eliminated with it.” She understood and said, “Please help me quit.” She told me her last name, and I gave her a pseudonym and helped her quit.
Going Out to Clarify the Truth
During the next few months, I went out to clarify the truth every day. No matter how busy I was or how hot it was, nothing stopped me from saving people. In the morning I would study the teachings and send righteous thoughts. After lunch, I would dress nicely and go out to talk to people. I usually sent righteous thoughts as I walked. “Master, please strengthen me!” During that time, I managed to help hundreds of people withdraw from the CCP.
As long as I wanted to save people, Master’s fashen (Law Body) was always by my side to protect and enlighten me. One day, I was clarifying the truth to a man at a bus station. A stranger next to me alerted me to the plainclothes officers who were present and advised me to leave. I nodded in thanks but continued to explain to the man why one should quit the CCP. He said that he understood and agreed to withdraw. I told him to remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He nodded and thanked me.
A bus came. It was not heading in the direction I wanted to go, but I got on anyway. Within a few stops, I was able to help another person on the bus quit the CCP. Then I got off and transferred to another bus heading home. Thank you, Master, for your compassionate protection!
I saw a young man waiting for the bus one day and asked Master to help me save him. After we talked, he said, “I am a college student, and I am a member of the Youth League. I want to quit.” He asked for my WeChat contact. I told him I don’t use WeChat, but I pointed to the website addresses on the materials I’d just given him so he could read further.
When I got off the bus, I saw three female students. I walked over to them and greeted them. They smiled and I said, “I want to tell you something good.” I told them about Falun Dafa and why one should withdraw from the CCP. One girl said they were college students and members of the Youth League. “We all want to quit the CCP!” she exclaimed. When she noticed one of her companions seemed a little hesitant, she said, “Why don’t you quit?” Her companion nodded her head and agreed to quit. I gave each of them an amulet with information about Falun Dafa and said, “I hope all of you make great progress in your studies and continue on to graduate school.” They sincerely thanked me.
Another time when I was riding a bus, another lady and I were the passengers. She was sitting in front of me, but she got up and sat next to me. “I felt you had positive energy,” she said.
I understood this was a predestined person arranged by Master, so I said, “It’s fate that brought us together. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner.” I told her to remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and that she should quit the CCP to ensure her safety. She said, “I am a CCP member. Please help me to quit!” She told me where she worked and said she was a civil servant.
I have many examples of saving people. In fact, as long as I have the desire to save people, Master has already made the arrangements. Thank you, Master!
Having the Opportunity to Cultivate
Master said,
“I am just here to save you. I just want to see you strive to become a better person and for you to be able to advance and improve yourself.” (“Lecture Given at the Conference in Sydney”)
All Master wants is my heart of compassion. I will continue to follow Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance; keep a pure heart; consider others first; and save people every day.
I am so grateful for Master’s compassionate blessing and protection! Falun Dafa has purified me. Master gave me a second life and gave me opportunities to cultivate and save people. Thank you, Master!
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Category: Clarifying the Truth