(Minghui.org) A family in Weifang City, Shandong Province, have endured 25 years of constant harassment since the Chinese communist regime began to persecute their faith, Falun Gong, in July 1999.

Prior to the annual plenary sessions of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in March 2024, officers from the Qingzhou City Police Station called Ms. Li Zuping, ordering her to report to them with the prison release certificate of her husband, Mr. Xian Chunwei. 

Mr. Xian and Ms. Li were previously arrested on January 6, 2016 and sentenced to 4 and 3.5 years on September 6, 2016, respectively. After Mr. Xian was released in early 2020, he was forced to live away from home to avoid constant police harassment. Unable to find him, the police often called Ms. Li and intimidated her.

The police called Ms. Li again on August 30, 2024 and demanded to know Mr. Xian’s phone number. Ms. Li refused to tell them.That same day, the police also showed up at Mr. Xian’s sister’s home and attempted unsuccessfully to get his phone number and whereabouts. 

A group of officers knocked on Ms. Li’s door the next day. She wasn’t home, and her father, who was living with her, was unable to open the door due to his mobility issue. The police knocked on Ms. Li’s neighbor’s door, who also refused to open the door. The police waited a while downstairs and came back to bang on Ms. Li’s door again. They repeated it several times in the morning and finally left when no one opened the door at their last attempt at around 1 p.m.

Ms. Li Zuping’s door was badly damaged after being kicked by the police.

Ms. Li’s front door

In addition, Ms. Li’s mother, Ms. Shan Shuyun, also endured frequent harassment for practicing Falun Gong and lived in constant fear. Whenever she heard people walking in the hallway of their apartment building, she would become nervous and hold her breath, fearing the police would come again to smash their door. When watching TV, she always kept the volume to a minimum, so that she could hear any sound outside. She also constantly checked whether the front door was locked. The constant mental pressure took a toll on her health, and she passed away in October 2014. 

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