(Minghui.org) Practitioners do the Falun Dafa exercises the first weekend of every month in Queen’s Park in Toronto. The gentle movements and peaceful music often attract many people, both local residents and tourists. When they heard how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), brutally persecutes people, some Chinese renounced their memberships in the Party organizations and some decided to learn the exercises.

Practitioners do the exercises in Queen’s Park in Toronto

The Importance of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

Katrina said she likes Falun Dafa’s principles.

Katrina from Montreal recently moved to Toronto. She stopped to watch as practitioners peacefully meditated, and said it was interesting to see so many people doing this great exercise here near the parliament building, and she also wanted to learn the exercises.

A practitioner explained what Falun Dafa is and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Katrina agreed with the principles and said that especially in this complicated world, it’s important for people to be kind and tolerant. She also said that true well-being is not limited to physical health; rather it also involves the harmony between mind and body. She planned to look at the Falun Dafa website and learn more.

“I Came Here Because of Falun Dafa”

Neails said he felt strong energy at the group practice site.

Neails, 18, from Switzerland, said he was happy to receive Falun Dafa flyer. He said he could feel strong energy in the field as practitioners did the exercises and it was very special. “Now I know I came here because of Falun Dafa,” he added. He explained that he recently became interested in other dimensions and felt a magnificent power brought him to the park. A practitioner recommended he read Zhuan Falun, the main teachings of Falun Dafa, and said all his questions could be answered by the book. Neails was very excited and said he would definitely read the book online as well as learn the exercises.

During the conversation, a butterfly came to Neails and stayed on his chest for more than 10 minutes while he talked with a practitioner about Falun Dafa. Neails found this very interesting. He and his two friends happily accepted information about Falun Dafa. They also thanked the practitioner repeatedly when they left.

A Better Society

Mariola is a researcher at the University of Toronto and said she often saw practitioners at Queen’s Park when she walked to work. This time she stopped to chat with a practitioner. She wanted to know more and said she would visit the Falun Dafa website and learn the exercises through online workshops.

As they spoke, the practitioner explained the five sets of exercises and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Mariola said being truthful, kind, and tolerant is very important because they help us have a better society. On a personal level, they can benefit our overall health as well.

Chinese Quit the CCP Organizations

One Chinese couple stopped to watch as practitioners did the exercises and they talked with a practitioner. The husband was initially reluctant to talk, and said he knew they were practicing Falun Dafa. When he began repeating the CCP’s propaganda, the practitioner explained how the regime systematically mistreated people for decades during it various political movements, and this extended to the persecution against Falun Dafa. The practitioner explained that although Falun Dafa is persecuted in China, it’s practiced in over 100 countries.

The man then said he did not like the CCP, and a practitioner asked if they joined any CCP organizations. Both the husband and wife joined the Youth League and the Young Pioneers, and they happily renounced their membership.

When a young man stopped and watched the exercises, a practitioner offered him some materials and told him how he benefited from practicing. The man said he left China several years ago to study and did not know much about Falun Dafa, but he knew the CCP is an authoritarian regime that suppresses freedom of belief.

Because the man attended a private school in China, he only joined the Young Pioneers, not the Youth League. The practitioner explained how the CCP harmed people and the vow people make during the joining ceremony to devote one’s life to the Party may cause people to be held accountable for the Party’s crimes. The man decided to quit the Young Pioneers.