(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the City Day celebrations on the weekend of September 28, 2024, which were held in Khmelnytsky, an important industrial and cultural center in western Ukraine.

The practitioners came from Vinnytsia, Rivne, and Netishyn in Ukraine. During the event, they demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises and distributed informational materials. They also told people about the benefits they received from practicing Falun Dafa and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted the practice for 25 years.

Many people were interested in learning the exercises and wanted to learn how practicing could improve their health. Practitioners taught them the exercises and invited them to join online seminars and video lectures.

Practitioners participated in the City Day celebrations in Khmelnitsky.

People were interested in learning about Falun Dafa.

People Interested in Falun Dafa Books

Many people were interested in the Ukrainian edition of Falun Dafa books. Local resident Natalia stopped to watch the practitioners as they did the exercises. After they told her what Falun Dafa is, and its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she took a flyer and purchased an introductory book, Falun Gong.

Some people had already heard of Falun Dafa, like Yuriy, who had read about it online. Impressed by Falun Dafa’s positive values, he wanted to read the books. He and his wife took some materials and said they would share them with their friends.

Young People Support Falun Dafa Practitioners

Some young people were also drawn to the practitioners’ booth. Two girls were deeply moved after hearing how practitioners are persecuted in China. They signed the petition to end the persecution and tried the second set of exercises. They brought their friends over to sign the petition as well. Their teacher also signed and condemned the persecution.

A young man watched the exercise demonstration for a long time, and said that he’s been searching for the meaning of life. After learning about the persecution in China, he also signed the petition.

People were happy to accept Falun Dafa materials, and many sincerely thanked the practitioners for providing such valuable information.