(Minghui.org) A Junan County, Shandong Province resident was arrested on November 17, 2023, for her faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999. She was forced to undergo a comprehensive physical examination and was detained for six days. 

Ms. Liu Chengyan recounted her ordeal below. 


I was stopped by three male officers and a female officer when I was out and about at around 9:30 a.m. on November 17, 2023. One of them was named Pan Yihong. They asked for my name. After I told them, they pushed me aside and demanded that I allow them to search my residence. They showed me photos of my electric bike and claimed that I had been reported for distributing Falun Gong informational materials. I refused to let them search my home. They handcuffed me, dragging and pushing me to my home (they already knew my address before coming). They then searched me, snatched my key and broke into my place. One officer videotaped my living room, two bedrooms, as well as all the drawers. They even checked the tea bags I had in the kitchen cabinet. 

The police questioned me about when I started practicing Falun Gong. I told them that I had a torn ligament from a car accident a few years ago and I didn’t want to have surgery. I’d heard that Falun Gong has very amazing health benefits, so I gave it a try. Sure enough, I recovered. As I was talking, officer Pan added that there were one hundred million people practicing Falun Gong in China when the persecution started in 1999. 

After raiding my place and taking photos all around, they took me to the Junan County Police Department. I was interrogated and given six days of detention. 

At around 4 p.m., I was pushed into an old silver white compact car, while handcuffed, and taken to the Junan County Chinese Medicine Hospital. I was very scared during the physical exam. I kept telling the doctors that I didn’t want to have the exam. I said that I was very healthy thanks to my practicing Falun Gong, and I was afraid that the police might have ordered the exam for the purpose of harvesting my organs. The doctors, with no expression on their faces, completely ignored me.

Then a female officer named Peng Guiying showed up. With her help, the nurses pressed me down and forcibly did an abdominal ultrasound scan and a chest X-ray on me, before taking my blood sample. They took me back to the Junan County Police Department after the exam and then back to the hospital one hour later to pick up the reports. After finishing all the paperwork at the police department, I was taken to the Hedong District Lockup around 9 p.m. Pan said that he would drop off my personal belongings at our home, but my husband later told me that he was ordered to pick up the items at the Daokou Police Station himself. 

From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on the day of my arrest, the police didn’t give me any food or water. I was also watched by two officers all the time. 

After I returned home on November 23, 2023, my husband told me that the hospital called my son, who was in Japan, on the afternoon of my arrest, ordering him to pay for my blood work. My son was very worried and called my husband. My husband immediately went to the hospital to look for me, and the front desk personnel told him they couldn’t find me in their patients’ list.

Officer Pan called my husband in the evening of my arrest and told him about my six-day detention. Pan called again the next morning and said that I was held at the Hedong District Lockup. He also said the Junan County Police Department and the Daokou Police Station were working together on my case. My husband was ordered to go to the Daokou Police Station to pick up my items. He asked Pan if he could deliver clothes to me and Pan said yes. 

My family drove about 50 km (about 30 miles) to the lockup to visit me, only to be turned away. They then drove another 75 km (about 45 miles) to the police station, and were given a plastic bag, which had my chest X-ray, watch, the belt for my down jacket, and several hundred yuan in cash. My loved ones said they were angry that they were not told about my involuntary comprehensive physical exam.