(Minghui.org) Dafa cultivation is serious. Some practitioners disrupted the Fa although they didn’t realize it. The old forces can easily take advantage of these loopholes. I’d like to share some examples. We should all examine ourselves for any behavior that violates the teachings and immediately correct them.

Making Short Videos of Teacher’s Lectures

A few days ago, a fellow practitioner said her computer hadn’t worked for several months after the system was installed. I took it home and looked at it. I wasn’t able to connect to the Internet, but the patches updated normally.

I never encountered this before. I guessed that, because the practitioner was a teacher, she might have some strong notions. I told the computer, “The Fa-rectification is about to end. It’s great that you are used by Dafa practitioners. Please remember ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ You are here to help eliminate evil and fulfill your mission.”

After I did that, the computer worked.

I then accidentally opened the practitioner’s hard drive and discovered many short videos of the lectures Master gave in Guangzhou. Each lecture was divided into one to three small videos. This was both disrespectful and in direct violation of the Fa.

I felt this was the root cause of the issue. Her computer included content that violated the Fa! She is a veteran practitioner and began practicing Falun Dafa prior to the start of the persecution in 1999. Master is merciful and her computer is also a life, which allowed me to “accidentally” discover this problem. Otherwise, she would have thought it was a mere technical issue.

Being Careless with Master’s Pictures and Dafa Books

My parents began practicing Falun Dafa disciples before 1999 and were the only two practitioners in town. They had a strong desire to save people. They worked tirelessly to distribute materials and clarify the truth for over ten years and helped save many people. However, because they were not particular about cleanliness, they put their photos of Master in an empty room that had bats and rat droppings. They did not realize this was being disrespectful.

Not only that, my mother did not take good care of her Dafa books. A copy of Zhuan Falun was destroyed by my niece, who accidentally turned over a bottle of ink on it. My father passed away from a stroke, and my mother developed severe diabetes and was in a great deal of pain before she passed away.

I hope fellow practitioners will check themselves for similar behavior, rectify whatever is not in line with the Fa, and sincerely apologize to Master. If not, the consequences could be terrible!